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City of Annapolis

ANNAPOLIS Stormwater Laws & Regulations

The City of Annapolis regulations (Annapolis Code of Ordinances 17.10) are compliant with the National Pollutant Discharge and Elimination System (NPDES) permit requirements for the city’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4). The Office of Environmental Policy ensures compliance with permit requirements. The City of Annapolis is encompassed in the County of Ann Arundel, but has some supplemental requirements and programs  for inside city limits.

EXCERPT- Grading Permits


Grading Permits are required for:

  • Any new single family home
  • Any non-waterfront lot disturbing 5000+ square feet
  • Any waterfront lot disturbing 2000+ square feet
  • Any lot with 100 cubic yards or more of cut or fill

EXCERPT- Stormwater Fee Credit Program

The City of Annapolis has raised the Stormwater Utility Fee effective 2011-07-01. The fee is assessed as part of the water and sewer bill. If you have installed any stormwater management structures or devices on your property, you may qualify to receive a 50% discount on your utility fee.

Commercial Properties

Any commercial property developed after 1985 should have on site stormwater management in accordance with Maryland regulations. Identify the type and location of the facility and verify that it is currently maintained and functioning to its design capacity. Provide a copy of the Stormwater Maintenance Agreement, or, if unavailable, the property owner and the city can create a new agreement. Facilities must be inspected by city staff in order to be considered for a 50% fee reduction. The fee reduction is good for two years from approval.  Please use the Stormwater Management Credit Application Commercial, Industrial and Exempt Properties to apply for the fee reduction.

Commercial properties without existing stormwater management facilities can qualify for a fee reduction by installing stormwater management facilities that meet the current Maryland standards. Credit will only be given to commercial customers for stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) for which the city will receive credit toward its Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) goals. BMPs must have been installed no earlier than 1985 to receive credit: see list fee reduction application.

Stormwater Management Practices

City of Annapolis Municipal Code

State of Maryland Documents:

Maryland Stormwater Design Manual

Maryland NPDES MS4 Phase II General Permits