Wastewater Management
Responsible + Reliable Water Management Solutions & Services

Sustainable Wastewater Management & Treatment Solutions
AQUALIS provides management of wastewater assets. With services ranging from inspection to maintenance and repair, our certified professionals can ensure compliance with federal regulations.

Sewer System Cleaning
AQUALIS provides sewer cleaning services to ensure the health and sustained life of your underground infrastructure.
Pipeline sewer cleaning is a process that involves a high-pressure water nozzle and specially engineered vacuumation to extract the dirt within a pipeline. The water is sent down the pipes at high speeds to clear out any blockage from grease buildup to baby wipes and carry it to the treatment plant.
Camera inspections are essential to monitor the health of sewer systems as cracks and failures are virtually undetectable before failure occurs.
Vactor trucks are utilized to remove debris, sludge and grease from sewer systems to ensure proper flow and conveyance.
Jetting services are often used in combination with vactor as the high-powered water blast breaks up debris for removal.
Wastewater emergencies have a serious impact on the environment and human health and should be remediated immediately.

Wastewater Engineering
In an effort to support our mission: protecting our most precious natural resource, AQUALIS has developed a wastewater engineering division. With experience designing, evaluating and implementing wastewater systems, our team can help assist your wastewater management efforts.
Evaluating sewer systems is essential for maintaining efficient performance, detecting problems, and planning improvements that benefit public health.
AQUALIS studies existing conditions, future demands, alternative technologies and potential cost to assist in planning development before design.
Water and wastewater design efforts can be combined to reuse suitable treated effluent which can significantly reduce the costs of treatment, and the loadings otherwise placed upon a potable water system.
AQUALIS navigates permitting for sewer, water and lift station project developments.

Sewer System Repairs
AQUALIS repairs underground infrastructure across the United States to reduce inflow and infiltration as well as backups and overflows.
Trenchless pipe repairs are often the most economical choice for property owners when repairing damaged pipes. Occasionally, pipe damage is so catastrophic that, excavation and replacement is required. Less-invasive options are available for smaller scale issues that are found early. Less invasive repairs are ideal for reducing disruption to your business and minimizing cost.
Injection grouting is a spot repair method for minor, isolated cracks, and to stabilize soils on the exterior of pipe where voids may be present.
Slip Lining is the process of inserting a new pipe into an old failing pipe.
CIPP is a pipe repair method utilizing resin and curing methods to bond a new pipe to the old failing pipe.
Spin casting or spray casting is a pipe repair method that sprays cementitious material along the inside of a pipe to add integrity.

Lift Station Management
AQUALIS provides overall management, maintenance, repair, and inspections of lift stations to help prevent system malfunctions.
Preventative maintenance to lift stations can extend the life of your system and reduce costly repairs.
Lift station repairs require experts that understand the plumbing and electrical components of pumps.
Certified lift station experts can ensure your systems are operating within local, state and federal compliance.
Lift Station backups can be detrimental to businesses. AQUALIS offers emergency response to get your business functioning normally as son as possible.

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AQUALIS Manages Wastewater Assets
Sewer management can involve consideration of specific equipment or process evaluations that are selected for use, and it can also be called upon when conditions in the field differ from what was previously estimated. Regularly maintaining these assets is the best way for owners to stay compliant and reduce risk to environmental health.
AQUALIS provides wastewater services ranging from small point repairs to system rehabilitations.
- Point repair
- Trenchless repairs
- Pipe Bursting
- Leak Detection
- Emergency Response
- Inspections
- Cleaning
- Planning
- Monitoring
- Design
What is a lift station?
Lift stations use pumps or vacuum type equipment to periodically draw sewage from a low elevation upwards to the ground surface. Whereas gravity sewer proves most economical in many situations, these pumps “lift” sewage upward so the flows may continue to treatment. Lift stations are equipped with pumping rates and automated controls that call for equipment activation based on accumulated flows. Equipment and controls are used in corrosive environments and require careful consideration of safe working conditions, occupancy, and equipment wear. Lift stations are often equipped with sampling, flowmeter, variable speed drives, standby generator, and other equipment features to evaluate content and flows of waste in the pumping systems, to deliver the best efficiency of pumping, to continue providing services when power outages occur, and other ventilation and grinder provisions that may be selected to optimize operations.
What is a forcemain?
Forcemains are the pressurized pipelines that lift stations use to convey sewage onward to its resumed flow or treatment. These pipelines are often equipped with valves, taps, and gages used to evaluate equipment performance. They often allow for external equipment connections to provide backup emergency operations.
What are the types of wastewater collection systems?
Service and on-site treatment: Single family private systems often use septic or holding tanks in combination with service piping systems, septic fields or mound system distributions to perform wastewater collection and treatment complete on-site. This is commonly used as the best alternative when the property is not located within an established utility service area.
Gravity Collection Systems: Rely on gravity to transport (or convey) wastewater via pipeline further along towards the treatment plant, or a pump station. Gravity sewers are often evaluated as the best long-term sewer alternative; however, their length of use can ultimately require greater depth and cost to install. Installation of gravity sewer at 20 feet depth or more can be costly to construct and maintain, often exceeding the costs of installing a pressurized system.
Low Pressure: Systems use pumps or siphons to transport wastewater further towards a treatment plant. This pressurized piping (or forcemain) conveys flows with energy applied by a pump or siphon to direct (or lift) flows to a location where flow resumes on its path to treatment.
Vacuum: Systems can also use vacuum pumps to transport wastewater flows towards the treatment plant or repumping otherwise. In lieu of periodically pumping (with low pressure), these systems apply a vacuum to the collection system piping that pulls sewage from a service location back to treatment.
What are utility permits?
Utility permits are used to provide permission with defined conditions and limitations required for Utility improvements, operations, and maintenance. As utility improvements are made, approval of the proposed improvements are considered and permitted by responsible regulatory agencies. These permits may be needed to define the improvements themselves, perhaps adjacent utilities, natural gas, electrical, or roadways that cannot be disturbed, and many other conditions that must be observed as part of the associated approval granted. Our Engineers can apply, negotiate, and delegate necessary permit approvals to project benefit as well as observe and coordinate with agencies and other utilities to fulfill all permit obligations.
What is GIS?
GIS is a strong tool in engineering that is often used to define and display infrastructure and a comprehensive inventory of Utilities with community information together. It also is a preferred media in water wastewater systems that are required to have a complete mapping of their systems
Learn More about Wastewater Management
Case Studies
Did you receive an NOV? Have an urgent need? We can help.
Notices of Violation (NOVs) or Corrective Notices should be taken seriously. Contact AQUALIS today to learn how to resolve the issue and comply with regulations.