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City of Corpus Christi

Excerpt from Corpus Christi Municipal Code

Article X- Stormwater Quality Management Plans

Sec 14-1006- Pollution Control Measures

(5) Maintenance of pollution control measures.

a. The responsible party shall maintain and ensure adequate performance of the temporary pollution control measures until permanent pollution control measures are in place.

b. Whenever the temporary or permanent pollution control measures do not to keep soil, sediment, and debris on the construction site, such as excessive tracking of dirt offsite by vehicles and runoff of sediments from the site over sidewalks and into the streets and gutters, etc., the responsible party shall remove the soil, sediment, and debris from streets, sidewalks, and inlets, as necessary, return the soil and sediment to the areas to be stabilized, and properly dispose of the debris.

c. The owner or person in control of site is responsible for the maintenance of any permanent pollution control measures located on the site, unless the owner has dedicated the permanent pollution control measure to the city and has provided the city with any easements necessary to allow access to the permanent pollution control measure and to conduct of any required maintenance activities.

(6) Maintenance agreements between a responsible party and city.

a. If all permanent pollution control measures, other than the required stabilization, are complete, a responsible party may provide a maintenance agreement for the required stabilization. This agreement may allow the responsible party to receive acceptance of improvements by the city and allow the filing of the final plats.

b. The maintenance agreement must be submitted with the engineer’s certification of infrastructure completion. The director of developmental services will execute the agreement at the time of acceptance of the public improvement, subject to any terms and conditions set out in the agreement.


Except from City of Corpus Christi Website

Stormwater Ordinances

City of Corpus Christi Ordinances make sure that residents and businesses protect water quality of storm water runoff entering the waterways. The Storm Water – Pollution Prevention Team is staffed with code enforcement officers who respond to every storm water pollution complaint. The fine for violation of the following ordinances is up to $2,000 per violation per day.

Additional Resources

Corpus Christi Municipal Code

Corpus Christi Stormwater Website