Stormwater runoff is generated from rain and snowmelt that flow over land or impervious surfaces, such as paved streets, parking lots, and building rooftops, and does not soak into the ground. As this water flows over these areas, it picks up sediment, nutrients, bacteria, metals, pesticides, and other pollutants. Unlike sanitary sewers that go to a treatment plant, most stormwater is discharged directly into local water bodies. Increasing amounts of impervious surfaces in urban areas, such as rooftops, driveways, parking lots, and streets, decreases the ability of the water to soak into the ground, thus increasing the potential for flooding from greater volumes of runoff entering the City’s stormwater system at a faster rate.
Commercial, industrial and multifamily property owners in Fayetteville may be credited a portion of their City stormwater fee if they manage their stormwater runoff through onsite water quality or quantity structural Best Management Practices. Some owners may be eligible to receive as much as an 80 percent fee credit if they meet one, two or all of three requirements. For information on the requirements, please download the Stormwater Fee Credit Manual.
Applications must be received by April 15 of each year to be considered for the credit. If you have any questions, please contact the Stormwater Program at 910-433-1613.
The Stormwater Inspections Section is responsible for enforcing several components of the City’s NPDES MS4 Stormwater Permit. These major components include:
In addition to the above major permit requirements, the City’s stormwater inspectors also look into citizen complaints regarding drainage issues or illegal dumping. The inspectors also inspect local food establishments and other businesses to ensure that they are staying in compliance of the City’s stormwater permit. The stormwater inspectors are also assigned to construction projects throughout the City to ensure that proper best management practices are in place to protect water quality.
Fayetteville Stormwater Website