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City of Great Falls

Great Falls Stormwater Regulations

Excerpt: MCM5 Post-Construction Site Storm Water Management in New and Redevelopment

Post-Construction is an essential part to water quality because it is the finished product after construction.  It is important that the systems set in place are functioning properly and maintained to design specifications The MS4 permit has specific language on how to achieve compliance with MCM-5, the most current City of Great Falls Storm Drainage Design Manual and there are also local ordinances in Title 17 Chapter 52 of the Official Code of the City of Great Falls and are summarized below:

  • Applies to any property that has or will have 15000 sq ft of impervious surface.
  • All private stormwater treatment practices/facilities shall have an enforceable operation and maintenance agreement with the City and other applicable parties to ensure the system functions properly as per 17.52.100.

17.52.100 – Maintenance Agreements

A. General. All private stormwater treatment practices/facilities shall have an enforceable operation and maintenance agreement with the City and other applicable parties to ensure the system functions properly.

B. Contents of agreement. This agreement shall at a minimum include the following provisions:

  1. The agreement shall run with the land and is binding on all property owners served by the practice/facility.
  2. The agreement includes an easement, as may be required, to access and inspect the practice/facility, and to perform work as necessary to ensure the system functions properly.
  3. The agreement shall include a long-term maintenance schedule and specifications to ensure the system functions properly.
  4. A qualified individual shall inspect the practice/facility on an annual basis to document maintenance and repair needs and ensure compliance with the requirements of this chapter.
  5. Any maintenance needs found must be addressed in a timely manner.
  6. The agreement grants the Director of Public Works the right of physical access to the practice/facility for periodic inspections and corrective actions as may be appropriate.
  7. If the practice/facility serves more than one (1) parcel, the agreement shall have a formal mechanism for sharing in the cost of maintenance.
  8. Copies of all reports/inspections shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works within ten (10) days of completion.
  9. The Director of Public Works may impose additional requirements to ensure the practice/facility functions properly.
  10. Failure to meet the terms of the agreement constitutes a violation of the land development code.
  11. The agreement can only be terminated with written approval of the Director of Public Works when the practice/facility is no longer needed.
  12. The responsible party shall keep a copy of all reports and maintenance records for a period of ten (10) years.

C. Recordation. The agreement, as approved by the Director of Public Works, shall be recorded in the official records of the County Clerk and Recorder.


Great Falls Developers Guide

Great Falls Stormwater Management Plan Worksheets

MCM5 Post Construction Stormwater

Great Falls Ordinance Code