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City of Hattiesburg

City of Hattiesburg Stormwater Laws and Regulations

City of Hattiesburg regulations are compliant with the Mississippi Pollutant Discharge and Elimination System requirements for the city’s small municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) permit, and with those of Forrest County.

Excerpt- City stormwater page

In accordance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and authority granted by the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Clean Water Act), the City of Hattiesburg was issued a Stormwater Permit in 2002, for the discharge of stormwater from the City’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4). The permit was issued to the City of Hattiesburg by the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ). The permit covers all areas located within the City of Hattiesburg boundaries. It is a requirement of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Phase II Storm Water Rule, which authorizes stormwater discharges from the City’s MS4. The permit also authorizes the discharge of stormwater that is mixed with non-storm water discharges that are in compliance with the permit.

The implementation of the City of Hattiesburg Stormwater Program was a requirement of the Stormwater Permit issued to the City. The permit requires the City of Hattiesburg to continue the implementation and enforcement of its Stormwater Management Program (SWMP). The purpose of the program is to reduce the discharge of pollutants from the MS4 to protect water quality and satisfy applicable water quality requirements of the Clean Water Act. The program is evaluated annually by the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ). The Stormwater Management Program must be consistent with the requirements found in the City’s Stormwater Permit. Included in the permit are six minimum control measures that guide the direction of the City of Hattiesburg’s Stormwater Management Program

Excerpt- environmental standards

9.1.1 Stormwater- Purpose

The purpose of these regulations is to safeguard persons, protect property, prevent damage to the environment and promote the public welfare by guiding, regulating, and controlling the design, construction, use and maintenance of all stormwater facilities and development. It is more specifically the intent of these regulations to address requirements under the federal Clean Water Act, National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Phase II or any appropriate national standard. Maintenance Agreements

1. A legally binding Maintenance Agreement specifying the parties responsible for the proper operation and maintenance for all permanent stormwater management facilities shall be included as part of the Land Disturbance Permit application and secured prior to the issuance for any permits for land disturbance activities.

2. Enforceable operations and maintenance agreements included as part of the covenant are required to ensure the system will function as designed during and after construction. The Maintenance Agreement will include any and all maintenance easements required to access and inspect the stormwater treatment practices, and to perform routine maintenance as necessary to ensure proper functioning of the stormwater treatment practices. The parties responsible for the documented SWPPP BMPs shall make records of the installation, maintenance and repairs of the facility and shall retain these records for at least 5 years. These records shall be made available to the City of Hattiesburg during inspection of the facility and at other reasonable times upon request

3. Failure of the owner or operator to maintain the premises shall be cause for the city to take action and to remedy the violation. If the owner fails to perform the maintenance the City of Hattiesburg may complete the work with the owner responsible for all the costs. Right of Entry for Inspections

a. When any new drainage control facility is installed on private property, or when any new connection is made between private property and a public drainage control system, sanitary sewer or combined sewer, the property owner shall grant to the city the right to enter the property at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner for the purpose of inspection. This includes the right to enter a property whenever there is a reasonable basis to believe that a violation of this Ordinance is occurring or has occurred, and to enter when necessary for abatement of a public nuisance or corrections of a violation of this Ordinance.

b. All drainage facilities located on private property, whether dedicated to the city or not, shall be accessible at all times for inspection by the city. City Inspections

The director of the Engineering Department or his/her designated representative shall coordinate all inspections required by this ordinance and shall notify the permittee wherein the work fails to comply with this ordinance or their approved Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan.


Hattiesburg Stormwater Management Page

Hattiesburg Environmental Standards

Hattiesburg Water Ordinance