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City of Hillsboro

The City of Hillsboro has enacted a Stormwater Ordinance in order to establish minimum stormwater management requirements and controls to protect and safeguard the general health, safety, and welfare of the public residing in watersheds within this jurisdiction.  The City of Hillsboro is the permitting authority for all land disturbing activities and requires the land owner to maintain all on-site stormwater control facilities and all open space areas (e.g. parks or “green” areas) required by the approved stormwater control plan. The City of Hillsboro will only provide construction permits to projects that establish a plan to manage stormwater runoff occurring during the construction process. The City of Hillsboro, under the NPDES program, also has the authority to inspect properties for noncompliance and can issue a notice of violation (NOV) for any deficiency or infraction onsite. Property owners are responsible for the maintenance of any stormwater facilities or practices located on the property. The City of Hillsboro has the authority to inspect stormwater facilities and practices in order to ascertain that they are properly maintained and functioning.


Excerpt from Subchapter 3.36 Service Delivery Fee for Sanitary Sewer and Surface Water Management

3.36.090 Storm water service delivery fee fund

  1. All funds collected under HMC 3.36.060(D) will be deposited into a separate storm water SDF fund. These fees, including fees carried over from prior years and investment earnings from the fees, will be used to complete deferred storm water projects. This program will repair, replace and upgrade storm water infrastructure.
  2. The storm water SDF may not be used for other city purposes, except to pay for an equitable share of city accounting, management and other administrative costs that relate to operation of the storm water projects.
  3. Revenues received for storm water to repair, replace and upgrade infrastructures will be used solely for such purposes.

(Ord. 6085 § 1, 2014)

3.36.130 Inspection of developments

  1. The manager is authorized to inspect a property connected to the sanitary sewer or storm water system and make physical count of the number of fixtures units, bedrooms, EDU, metered flow and amount of impervious surfaces. Based upon the results of such inspection, the manager may recalculate the SFDs based on the current information.
  2. If the number of EDUs or ESUs is reduced as a result of a physical inspection, permit or administrative change, the property is eligible for a credit, but no refund will be paid by the city. If the number of EDUs or ESUs increases, the owner must pay the correct SDF amount to the city based on the differential between the new and old information and calculated using the corrected and updated information. Any additional fee amounts owing are due immediately upon the determination by the manager unless other payment arrangements have been made. Adjustments may not exceed two years from the date of the inspection, unless otherwise approved by the manager.

(Ord. 6085 § 1, 2014)

Excerpt from Chapter 12 Community Development Code Municipal Code

12.50.930 Sustainable Development Practices.

A.  Habitat Friendly Development Practices. Use of habitat friendly development practices, including Low Impact-Development Approach (LIDA) techniques are a key element of the adopted Tualatin Basin Fish & Wildlife Habitat Program. LID techniques are encouraged to reduce the environmental impacts of new development, and to provide flexibility to encourage the protection of qualified Habitat Benefit Areas. The following recommended habitat-friendly development practices should be considered where technically feasible and appropriate.

  1. Design and Construction Practices to Reduce Hydrologic Impacts.
    1. Amending disturbed soils to original or higher levels of porosity to regain infiltration and stormwater storage capacity.

    2. Using pervious paving materials for residential driveways, parking lots, walkways, and within centers of cul-de-sacs.

    3. Incorporating stormwater management in street rights-of-ways, subject to the approval of the City Engineer.

    4. Landscaping with rain gardens to provide on-lot detention and filtering and groundwater recharge.

    5. Using green roofs to reduce runoff and energy costs, improve air quality, and enhance aesthetics.

    6. Disconnecting downspouts from roofs and direct rainwater to vegetated infiltration / filtration areas.

    7. Retaining rooftop runoff in rain barrels for future on-site irrigation.

    8. Using multi-functional open drainage systems in lieu of conventional curb-and-gutter systems.

    9. Using bioretention cells in parking lot islands to reduce runoff volume and filter pollutants.

    10. Applying a site-specific combination of storm water systems (a “treatment train”) to provide multiple opportunities for treatment and to reduce the possibility of system failure.

    11. Reducing sidewalk widths and slope grades to drain into front yards or retention areas.

    12. Reducing impervious surface areas of residential driveways by narrowing widths or using shared driveways.

    13. Reducing widths of residential streets, depending on traffic and parking needs.

    14. Reducing street length, primarily in residential areas, by encouraging clustering and using curvilinear designs.

    15. Reducing cul-de-sac radii and use pervious vegetated islands in center to minimize impervious effects, and allow them to be utilized for truck maneuvering/loading to reduce need for wide loading areas on site.

    16. Eliminating redundant non-ADA sidewalks within a site (i.e., sidewalk to all entryways and/or to truck loading areas may be unnecessary for industrial developments).

    17. Minimizing car spaces and stall dimensions, reducing parking ratios, and using shared parking facilities and structured parking.

    18. Minimizing the number of stream crossings and place crossings perpendicular to the stream channel if possible.

    19. Allowing narrower street right-of-ways through stream corridors whenever possible to reduce adverse impacts of transportation corridors.

D. Storm Water Management. The following methods should be used to reduce contaminants from hard surfaces, improve infiltration improvement, and reduce or eliminate water quality treatment or detention facilities.

  1. Minimizing impervious surfaces at and above grade.
  2. Using eco roofs and roof gardens wherever practicable.
  3. Using pervious paving for parking areas and walkways.

Using infiltration or flow-through planters, bio-retention cells, and/or rain gardens.


State of Oregon Resources

Stormwater Permit Application Forms and Fees

Stormwater Contacts

City of Hillsboro Resources

Hillsboro Municipal Code Chapter 12 Community Development

Hillsboro Municipal Code Subchapter 3.36 Service Delivery Fee for Sanitary Sewer and Surface Water Management 

Hillsboro Stormwater System Page

Hillsboro Stormwater Master Plan

Hillsboro Stormwater Runoff & Surface Drainage