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City of Houston / County of Harris

Excerpt from Regulations of Harris County, Texas for Stormwater Quality Management


Section 3 – Ownership and Maintenance of the Stormwater Quality Features


Ownership and maintenance of the Stormwater Quality Features designed and built pursuant to Part B, Section 2.02 of these Regulations shall be according to the following:

The Stormwater Quality Feature shall remain the responsibility of the property owner unless there is a transfer pursuant to Part B, Section 4.04.

Excerpt from the stormwater quality management guidance manual


As required by the NPDES permit, the City of Houston prepared the Proposed Comprehensive Master Plan for New Development and Significant Redevelopment in the City of Houston (the “Master Plan” for the City of Houston), and Harris County/Harris County Flood Control prepared the Proposed Comprehensive Master Plan for New Development and Significant Redevelopment in Harris County (Unincorporated Areas), (the “Master Plan” for Harris County). The master plans were the basis for the City of Houston ordinance and Harris County regulations. The ordinance and regulations require controls to reduce pollutants in discharges to the municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) after the construction of a development is completed.

Under the ordinance and regulations, proposed new development and significant redevelopment of 5 or more acres will be required to submit Storm Water Quality Management Plans (SWQMPs) that propose structural, non-structural or vegetative controls to reduce pollutants in storm water runoff. The overall goal of the ordinance and regulations and the goal of SWQMPs is to reduce the discharge of pollutants into the municipal separate storm sewer system to the Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP). This manual is intended to provide guidance on the preparation of SWQMPs.

This section describes general planning and implementation procedures for SWQMPs for residential development, commercial development, light industrial development, public facility development, and significant redevelopment of five or more acres. These are general guidelines, and specific site conditions may require additional or modified measures or approaches. The SWQMP requirements discussed here address pollution arising from post-construction activities. The intended function of an SWQMP is to improve storm water quality from the normal daily operating activities of a site for the life of the development. The preparation of Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) for storm water pollution prevention during construction is addressed in a separate guidance document, the Storm Water Management Handbook for Construction Activities. Other types of development/redevelopment projects for facilities that are regulated by EPA’s industrial storm water permitting program should provide storm water quality control measures as required by the EPA.

3.1 Storm Water Quality Management Plan Requirements

The SWQMP functions as a mitigation plan for the potential impacts of pollution from storm water discharge from the normal operating activities of a site for the life of the development. The SWQMP should contain a site description, planned controls, and procedures for maintenance and inspection. The contents of an SWQMP are described below.

3.1.1 Site Description

  1. Site location.
  2. Names, addresses and phone numbers of owner and contact person.
  3. Type of development or redevelopment.
  4. Nature of activities (Including Standard Industrial Classification Codes).
  5. Give any existing NPDES storm water permit numbers or provide a copy of the General Permit Notice of Intent (NOI) or NPDES permit application. If the NPDES permit application or NOI is not available, a statement of intent to file an NOI or NPDES permit application should be provided, and a copy of the NPDES permit or NOI, when it is available, should be submitted.
  6. Estimates of the total site area and the total area affected by the development.
  7. Site map(s).
    1. Vicinity map.
    2. Areas of development.
    3. Areas not to be developed.
    4. Drainage areas and their acreage, patterns and approximate slopes anticipated after development.
    5. Wetlands and surface waters.
    6. Locations and listing of activities which may generate pollutants and potential discharge, including hazardous materials treatment, storage or disposal facilities, parking areas, loading areas, etc.
    7. Locations and listing of structural controls, and non-structural controls as applicable, that are identified in the plan.
    8. Locations where storm water is discharged to the MS4 and the name of the MS4 operator.

3.1.2 Controls

A. Non-Structural Controls

Describe non-structural best management practices (BMPs) and how they will be used at the site.

B. Structural Controls

Structural BMPs should be shown on construction drawings. Supporting data (e.g., specifications, calculations, etc.) should be provided upon request.

3.1.3 Maintenance

Describe procedures and qualified personnel to assure the timely maintenance of control measures.

3.1.4 Inspections

Describe inspection reporting and procedures.


Harris County Stormwater Quality Management

Storm Water Quality (SWQ) Permit

Houston Stormwater Quality Requirements

Houston Storm Water Quality Management Guidance Manual

Houston Storm Water Management Handbook for Construction Activities