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City of Las Vegas / Clark County

Las Vegas/Clark County Stormwater Laws and Regulations

Las Vegas and Clark County regulations are compliant with the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection Bureau of Water Pollution Control Stormwater Discharge Permit Program requirements.

Excerpt- Clark County Stormwater Management Page

The quality of Southern Nevada’s water is important to the future of our community. Unlike water discharged from point sources such as industries or sewage treatment facilities, stormwater pollution is caused by everyday activities in our community. In the Las Vegas Valley, rainwater that falls onto streets, driveways, lawns, etc., is channeled into the storm drain and flows untreated to the Las Vegas Wash and Lake Mead. As this water moves across the Valley into the Wash, it carries with it pollutants from our cars, our lawn fertilizers, our pets, and many of our other activities.

The Stormwater Quality Management Committee (SQMC) is made up of Clark County, City of Las Vegas, City of Henderson, City of North Las Vegas, and the Regional Flood Control District. Together, these entities work to manage stormwater pollution in the Valley through the administration of a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit issued by the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection. A NPDES permit renewal occurred in March 2010 and requires that the SQMC produce a Stormwater Management Plan to manage the program. Please visit the SQMC website for more information on the permit and planning process.

Excerpt- A Guide to Commercial and Industrial BMPs

Building and grounds maintenance requires good housekeeping practices as a method to control discharge of pollutants from your site. These procedures include maintenance activities and schedules, procedures for the proper disposal of waste, and long-term inspection and maintenance procedures for all portions of your site including:

  • Parking lots
  • Process areas
  • Landscape areas
  • Maintenance and storage yards
  • On undisturbed areas of your property, preserve existing native vegetation to reduce water, fertilizer, and pesticide needs.
  • When necessary, carefully use pesticides and fertilizers in landscaping per manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • Integrate pest management where appropriate.
  • Develop and implement a general maintenance schedule that includes a list of task and the frequency of their completion.
  • Sweep paved surfaces on a scheduled basis.
  • Employ dry clean-up methods whenever possible.
  • Clean the storm drainage system at appropriated intervals.
  • Properly dispose of wash water, sweepings, and sediments. Promote the recycling and reuse of products and clippings.
  • Properly label, seal, and store chemicals and toxic materials under cover and/or within secondary containment.

Excerpt- Las Vegas BMP Guidance Manual

Guidance on design and maintenance of best management practices provided in this BMP Guidance Manual represents best practices in the industry, and establishes minimum standards of performance.

Maintenance of BMPs

  • All erosion and sediment control measures and other protective measures identified in the SWPPP must be maintained in effective operating condition. If site inspections required by Part III.A.12 identify BMPs that are not operating effectively or if the capacity has been reduced by 50%, maintenance shall be performed before the next anticipated storm event, or as soon as possible if maintenance before the next anticipated storm event is not practicable;
  • If existing BMPs need to be modified or additional BMPs are necessary, implementation must be completed before the next anticipated storm event. If implementation prior to the next anticipated storm event is impracticable, maintenance must be scheduled and accomplished as soon as practicable; and
  • The permittee must remove sediment from sediment traps or sedimentation ponds when design capacity has been reduced by 50%.


Clark County Stormwater Management Page

Las Vegas Stormwater Page

Clark County BMP Guide

Las Vegas BMP Guidance Manual (Lists maintenance guidelines by BMP)