The following general planning and design guidelines for structural and nonstructural controls are recommended when developing a water quality control strategy:
For stormwater BMPs to be effective, proper maintenance is essential. Maintenance includes routinely scheduled activities and nonroutine repairs that may be required after large storms
or because of other unforeseen problems. BMP maintenance is the responsibility of the entity owning the BMP. However, the City is responsible for ensuring the maintenance of privately
owned BMPs is being done, per the NPDES permit (i.e., construction stormwater permit). BMPs should be designed with maintenance as a key design consideration. Planning-level
design guidance pertaining to maintenance is included in selected individual BMP information contained within Appendix A of this manual, which also focuses on maintenance and provides
recommendations for BMP owners.
Provisions shall be made in the approval of developments or redevelopments for the permanence of the BMP facilities and ongoing maintenance of BMP facilities using a stormwater management plan and maintenance agreement or other approved process. For private facilities, such as those owned and maintained by homeowners’ associations, there can be a lack of understanding of the maintenance required for BMPs. The stormwater management plan and maintenance agreement, site plans, maintenance plans and any other documents will be prepared and submitted as part of the initial development review / approval process. For new developments, the stormwater management plan, maintenance agreement and any other documents will be signed, submitted, and approved prior to the approval of the final plat. For redevelopments, the stormwater management plan, maintenance agreement and any other documents will be signed, submitted, and approved prior to building permit approval. Submittals will include a check to pay for the recording costs.