The City of Memphis has been issued an NPDES stormwater permit by the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC). This permit requires the City to implement a variety of programs to identify, eliminate, and prevent the discharge of pollutants into the storm drain system flowing through the City. The City of Memphis adopted a stormwater management ordinance to protect, maintain, and enhance the environment of the City of Memphis and the short-term and long-term public health, safety, and the general welfare of the citizens the City of Memphis by controlling discharges of pollutants to the City of Memphis MS4 and to maintain and improve the quality of the receiving waters into which the storm water outfalls flow, including without limitation, lakes, rivers, streams, ponds, wetlands, and ground water of the City of Memphis.
Objectives of the Stormwater Management Policy:
The Post-Construction Runoff Control Plan (PCRC Plan) is a component of the Operation and Maintenance Agreement for the development or site. The PCRC Plan must include a description of the storm water system and its components, inspection priorities and inspection schedule for each component, and a schematic for each BMP.
Purposes of the PCRC Plan:
• To inform property owners about the system components on their properties, so that they
will know the locations and maintenance needs of the components and structural BMPs.
• To facilitate inspections.
• To obtain storm water credits for BMPs (under the storm water enterprise fund).
• To ensure adequate operation and maintenance of post-construction BMPs that require
maintenance (e.g., detention and retention ponds, including underground detention
(a) Any stormwater management facility, including buffers, that is privately owned shall receive general routine maintenance (i.e., controlling vegetative growth, removing sediment and debris) provided for by the owner.
(b) The owner shall maintain a perpetual right of access for inspection and emergency access by the county. The county has the right, but not the duty to enter premises for inspection and emergency repairs.
(c) Any stormwater management facility that services commercial and industrial development shall be maintained.
(d) Maintenance requirements may also be prescribed by a site-specific agreement between the owner or operator and the county. These agreements shall be based on an approved site design, a stormwater pollution prevention plan, an inspection program, a long-term maintenance plan, an emergency repair plan, easements, and proof or surety of financial responsibility. A sample agreement form is shown in section 36-34, facilities maintenance agreement. This form is illustrative and not strictly prescriptive. The county may amend its specific provisions as may be appropriate.
(e) If privately owned infrastructure is not maintained, the manager may assess a fine on the private owner as detailed in article II of this chapter [26]. Such a fine shall be used for cost recovery, to abate damages, and to restore impacted areas.
The property owner or property owners’ association shall maintain the detention, retention, and other drainage facilities to the extent necessary to achieve the intended drainage, retention, and detention functions. Maintenance shall including repair of appurtenances and removal of obstructions and siltation. The property owner or property owners’ association shall provide customary grounds maintenance within the detention easement area in accordance with the following standards:
In December 2005, the Memphis City Council approved the implementation of a monthly storm water fee. The fee, based on units of 3,147 square feet, will be applied to all users or owners of property with “impervious area” located within the City of Memphis. Property owners calculate their monthly stormwater utility fee by multiplying their impervious area in square feet by the fee rate, and dividing this figure by the SFU (3,147). As of January 2013, the Memphis stormwater utility rate is $4.02.
As part of NPDES Permit requirement to “encourage water quality,” — a Fee Adjustment and Credit Manual was issued by the City of Memphis in January 2006 to provide adjustments and credits against the user’s storm water fee as a financial incentive to implement structural and nonstructural BMPs.
Shelby County Stormwater Webpage
Shelby Code of Ordinances Chpt 36 - Stormwater Management
Shelby Stormwater and Pollution Complaint Form
Memphis Stormwater Management Manual