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City of Milwaukee

Excerpt From Chapter 120 of the City of Milwaukee Code of Ordinances

120-7. Control of Storm Water Discharge.

1. APPLICABILITY. No person shall proceed with any residential, commercial, industrial or institutional improvement or subdivision of property without having provided for appropriate storm water measures that control or manage runoff from such development or redevelopment or future development of the subdivided property. A storm water management plan addressing storm water runoff quality control, quantity control or both must be submitted and approved pursuant to sub. 2 or waived pursuant to sub 4. A plan is required:

a. Before an existing drainage system is altered, rerouted, deepened, widened, enlarged, filled or obstructed in preparation for improvement.

b. Before or concurrent with the submittal and approval of an erosion and sediment control plan as specified in ch. 290.

c. Before the development or redevelopment is permitted for commencement of construction.

120-13. Manual of Storm Water Management Practices.

1. The city engineer with the assistance of the commissioners of the departments of neighborhood services and city development shall compile a manual of storm water management practices. The manual shall be made available for sale to the public and updated periodically. The manual will be used for the preparation of a storm water management plan.

2. The manual shall incorporate current best management practices (BMPs) for controlling the quality and quantity of storm water runoff. The manual shall contain:

a. Guidance and specifications for the preparation of a storm water management plan, including techniques for calculating and presenting the information required in the plan.

b. Detailed design specifications for BMPs used to improve the water quality.

c. Minimum specifications for the construction of BMP facilities which use current sound engineering practices.

d. Techniques and BMPs which emphasize the use of natural systems.

e. Techniques and BMPs for source control measures to manage water quality.

f. Techniques and BMPs which control volume in an effort to improve water quality.

g. Minimum requirements for the maintenance plan.

3. The manual is available for purchase from the department of public works.

120-15. Maintenance of Drainage Facilities.

1. Every 5 years the person shall submit a written recertification for the approved storm water management plan from a registered professional engineer that the drainage facility is operating as originally designed along with an updated irrevocable letter of credit, certified check or surety bond or letter of financial guarantee from the person as provided in s. 120-9. By submitting the guarantee, the person consents to allowing the city to inspect the best management practices prescribed in the storm water management plan.

2. When applicable, the facilities shall be maintained in accordance with the agreements set forth in s. 120-11.

3. Minimum maintenance requirements and procedures outlined in the manual of storm water management practices described in s. 120-13 shall also be used.

4. Violations of this section shall be subject to the enforcement procedures and penalties set forth in s. 120-17.

Relevant Links

Milwaukee Code of Ordinances, Chapter 120 – Storm Water Management Regulations

City of Milwaukee Stormwater Management Program Website

City of Milwaukee Stormwater Credit Program

Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District