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City of Minneapolis

Minneapolis Water Resources Management Plan Report, 2018

Private Stormwater Drains and Industrial Stormwater

“New private stormwater drains that connect to the City’s stormwater system are required to obtain a Utility Connection Permit from the City. Private stormwater outfalls that discharge directly to a surface water are also subject to the City’s Utility Connection Permit. Owners of private stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) are required to register the BMP with the City’s Public Works Department. The MPCA requires certain industrial facilities to obtain an Industrial Stormwater General Permit. MPCA records list 160 permits issued to Minneapolis industrial facilities as of May 1, 2016. The City does not maintain an active list of private and/or industrial stormwater permits that are managed by other public agencies.”

Relationship to Minneapolis Stormwater Management Program

“The Minneapolis Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) is a federally required document that has been prepared in compliance with the City’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) stormwater permit which is overseen by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). This WRMP is a planning document that must comply with requirements established by the State of Minnesota and overseen by the Minnesota BWSR and local watershed management organizations. These two documents have the overall goal of improvement of the quality of water resources but have different implementation approaches. The SWMP has a focus on specific SMPs as required in the City’s NPDES stormwater permit. The content of the SWMP is not duplicated in this WRMP, but is referenced wherever relevant. This WRMP has a broader view that includes the additional water management activities such as management of the surface waters, monitoring, relationship with the City’s goals, and management of the City’s sanitary collection system, among other planning level activities.

The NPDES Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) Phase I Annual Report reports on stormwater related activities governed by the City’s NPDES permit. The report summarizes stormwater maintenance activities, development/redevelopment permits, erosion and sediment control permits/inspection, street maintenance, vegetation management, illicit discharge inspections, new construction, public education efforts, public agency coordination, and stormwater monitoring conducted during the previous year.”

Stormwater Management Standards for Development and Redevelopment/Post-Construction Stormwater Management

“Shortly after the adoption of this WRMP, the Guide will be updated to reflect ordinance changes. Onsite stormwater management has been required since 1999 by the City as a condition of site plan approval for developments and redevelopments for projects that disturb more than one acre. Chapter 54 of the Code of Ordinances established this requirement, applied pollutant reduction goals for projects that require post-construction stormwater management, and recommended that infiltration (stormwater volume reduction) be maximized to the greatest possible degree except in the cases of likely stormwater contamination (stormwater hotspots). Stormwater management plans submitted for Minneapolis Development Review must provide for stormwater controls to meet the pollution reduction goals contained in Chapter 54.”

Code of Ordinances: Chapter 54 Storm Water Management

54.120. Responsibility following construction/completion.

(a) Duration.
An approved storm water management plan shall remain in effect unless cancellation is approved by the city engineer. All site areas used for the purpose of flood storage or treatment of storm water runoff shall be preserved and maintained for that use, including areas required for maintenance and inspection.

  • Annual site registration. The responsible party of a BMP installed under this chapter shall register it annually with the city engineer and remit an annual registration fee at the rate established in the annual license fee schedule.
  • Inspection of BMPs. All BMPs are subject to inspection by the city engineer. If the city engineer deems that BMPs are not functioning satisfactorily, a notice of noncompliance may be issued, and procedures followed as described in section 54.130.
  • Operation and maintenance of BMPs. The entirety of the BMPs required under this ordinance shall be maintained and kept in operating condition by the owner at levels outlined in the approved Plan. Any failure to maintain a BMP and keep it in operating condition adequate to meet the water quality, rate control, and volume control requirements under this ordinance may result in the city engineer issuing remedial action per section 54.130.

54.130. – Inspections, remedial actions, and compliance procedures.

(a) The city engineer will carry out routine inspections for compliance with the provisions of this chapter and the O&M Plan. In the event of noncompliance, the following remedial actions, penalties, or assessments may be applied:

  • Tier 1. Written notice. If noncompliance with Chapter 54 is identified by the city engineer, the city engineer shall issue a Tier 1 written notice to the responsible party of the BMP specifying each item or instance of noncompliance with this chapter or the O&M Plan. The BMP(s) shall be subject to reinspection within the time outline in the written notice by the city engineer.
  • Tier 2. Second written notice and escalation. If noncompliance is still identified after the time outline in the Tier 1 written notice, the city engineer shall issue a Tier 2 written notice to the responsible party of the BMP. Within thirty (30) days of issuance of a Tier 2 written notice, the responsible party must submit, to the city engineer for review and acceptance, a plan outlining corrective procedures necessary for compliance with this chapter or the O&M Plan, including timeframes to complete such procedures.
  • Tier 3. Written notice, citations, and civil fines. Any responsible party that has received a Tier 2 written notice and is noncompliant with this chapter or the O&M Plan requirements and compliance procedures may receive a Tier 3 written notice and may be subject to administrative enforcement pursuant to Chapter 2 of this Code or any other appropriate and available enforcement provided by law. Administrative citations may be issued for Tier 3 noncompliance or to continuing violators.
  • Tier 4. Performing necessary maintenance and assessing cost. In addition to all other rights and remedies the city may have at law or in equity, the city engineer shall retain the right to reject defective or incomplete work. The city engineer is authorized to remedy any such deficiency and to determine the cost. Any cost incurred by the city to remedy a deficiency may be charged to the owner of the BMP(s) for such defective or incomplete work. If said charges are not paid within ninety (90) days after a bill of charges has been mailed to the owner, the city council shall assess and levy the amount as a special assessment upon and against the property benefited in the manner provided by law for other assessments.

(b)Any person, firm, corporation, or agency acting as property owner, responsible party, or otherwise who fails to comply with the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.



Minnesota Stormwater Maintenance BMP Resource Guide

Minneapolis Stormwater Management Program

Stormwater Ordinance