300.15 Findings and Objectives
The City of Quincy has enacted a Stormwater Management Ordinance in order to comply with state and federal regulations and to manage stormwater in a responsible and sustainable manner. The objectives of the ordinance are:
300.21 Performance Standards
D. New development. Stormwater management systems constructed as part of new development projects shall be designed to remove 90% of the average annual load of total suspended solids (TSS) generated from the total post-construction impervious surface area on the site and 60% of the average annual load of total phosphorus (TP) generated from the total post-construction impervious surface area on the site. In addition, stormwater management systems constructed as part of new development projects located within the Neponset River watershed shall be optimized for nitrogen removal. This can be achieved by one of the following methods, provided they meet, at a minimum, the design standards of the Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook:
E. Redevelopment. Stormwater management systems constructed as part of redevelopment projects shall be designed to remove 80% of the average annual load of total suspended solids (TSS) generated from the total post-construction impervious surface area on the site and 50% of the average annual load of total phosphorus (TP) generated from the total post-construction impervious surface area on the site. In addition, stormwater management systems constructed as part of redevelopment projects located within the Neponset River watershed shall be optimized for nitrogen removal. This can be achieved by one of the following methods, provided they meet, at a minimum, the design standards of the Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook:
The MassDEP has developed ten stormwater performance standards for properties within Massachusetts.
1. No new stormwater conveyances may discharge untreated stormwater directly to or cause erosion in wetlands or waters of the Commonwealth.
2. Stormwater management systems must be designed so that post-development peak discharge rates do not exceed pre-development peak discharge rates.
3. Loss of annual recharge to groundwater shall be eliminated or minimized through the use of infiltration measures including environmentally sensitive site design, low impact development techniques, storm water best management practices, and good operation and maintenance. At a minimum, the annual recharge from the post-development site shall approximate the annual recharge from pre-development conditions based on soil type. This standard is met when the stormwater management system is designed to infiltrate the required recharge volume as determined in accordance with the Massachusetts Stormwater handbook. .
4. Stormwater Management systems shall be designed to remove 80% of the average annual post-construction load of Total Suspended Solids (TSS). This standard is met when:
5. For land uses with higher potential pollutant loads (LUHPPL), source control and pollution prevention shall be implemented in accordance with the Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook to eliminate or reduce the discharge of stormwater runoff from such land uses to the maximum extent practicable. If, through source control and/ or pollution prevention, all land uses with higher potential pollutant loads cannot be completely protected from exposure to rain, snow, snow melt and storm water runoff, the proponent shall use the specific structural storm water BMPs determined by the Department to be suitable for such uses as provided in the Massachusetts Stormwater handbook. Stormwater discharges from land uses with higher potential pollutant loads shall also comply with the requirements of the Massachusetts Clean Waters Act.
6. Stormwater discharges within the Zone II or Interim Wellhead Protection Area of a public water supply and storm water discharges near any other critical area require the use of the specific source control and pollution prevention measures and the specific structural storm water best management practices determined by the Department to be suitable for managing discharges to such areas as provided in the Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook.
7. A redevelopment project is required to meet the following Stormwater Management Standards only to the maximum extent practicable: Standard 2, Standard 3, and the pretreatment and structural storm water best management practice requirements of Standards 4, 5 and 6. Existing Stormwater discharges shall comply with Standard I only to the maximum extent practicable. A redevelopment project shall also comply with all other requirements of the Stormwater management Standards and improve existing conditions.
8. A plan to control construction related impacts including erosion, sedimentation and other pollutant sources during construction and land disturbance activities (construction period erosion, sedimentation, and pollution prevention plan) shall be developed and implemented.
9. A long-term operation and maintenance plan shall be developed and implemented to ensure that stormwater management systems function as designed.
10. All illicit discharges to the storm water management system are prohibited.
City of Quincy Storm Drain Management Program