7.01 PURPOSE: The purpose of this section is to develop and enforce a program to address storm water runoff from new development and re-development projects that disturb one ( 1) or more acres or are part of a larger development or sale that will result in the disturbance of one ( 1) or more acres.
7.02 APPLICABILITY: The provisions of this Section shall apply to any application for Subdivision Plat or Master Development Plan approval except as otherwise provided by this Chapter.
7.03 COMPLIANCE: Compliance with this Section will include adherence to the City of San Antonio’s Unified Development Code (UDC) Chapter 35, Section 35-504, attached as Exhibit A to these Regulations. Design criteria and requirements in UDC35 Section 35-504 include but not are limited to:
7.03.1 Regional Storm Water Management Program
7.03.2 Method of Computing Runoff
7.03.3 Drainage Easements and Rights-of -Way
7.03.4 Site Design and Grading
7.03.5 Storm Water Detention
7.03.6 Street Design
7.03.7 Drainage Channels and Water Courses
7.03.8 Storm Sewers
7.03.9 Inlets and Openings
7.04 PERMANENT ON-SITE FACILITIES: On-site detention facilities that are constructed as a requirement of UDC35, Section 35-504, must be privately owned and shall be maintained by the community association or property owner. A maintenance schedule shall be submitted to the Infrastructure Services Department as part of the SWP3 requirement.
7.05 INSPECTION: Bexar County will have the right to do periodic inspections of privately owned and maintained detention facilities to ensure that the maintenance schedule is being implemented. Bexar County will make periodic unannounced inspections of the facilities to insure compliance. If deficiencies are observed, a Notice of Violation will be sent to the community association or property owner responsible for maintenance.
The drainage policy for the City of San Antonio has changed over the years to provide for the orderly development of drainage improvements to enhance the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens, their property, and the environment. The City has implemented a comprehensive storm water management program through guidance provided by the Drainage Regulation Review Committee in February 1996 with a regional approach to meet the policies of the City Master Plan.
This section represents the policies of the RSWMP and understanding this section will enable the design engineer to provide utility and transportation infrastructure, capital improvement projects, public facilities, and development projects meeting the policies of the UDC.
The City of San Antonio determined that regional storm water management is preferable to site-specific storm water mitigation. The regional storm water management program provides for the administration, planning, design, construction, and operational management of regional storm water facilities (RSWF). Regional storm water management uses a watershedwide approach to analyze potential flooding problems, identify appropriate mitigation measures and select site locations and design criteria for RSWF. These RSWF include, but are not limited to, regional detention and retention ponds, watershed protection, land purchase, waterway enlargement, channelization, and improved conveyance structures. The regional storm water management program allows developers to participate in the program rather than constructing the on-site detention controls required by this section, when the City has determined that the increased runoff from the proposed development will not produce a significant adverse impact to other properties.
The owner or developer of property to be developed shall be responsible for the conveyance of all storm water flowing through the property. This responsibility includes the storm water flowing onto the property by any other developed property as well as the drainage naturally flowing through the property by reason of topography. Future upstream development shall be accounted for by assuming ultimate development when sizing drainage systems as specified in this section. Existing detention facilities may be accounted for in the ultimate analysis and shall be incorporated in the models if included.
Maintenance of publicly owned facilities will be the responsibility of the City. Maintenance of private facilities is the responsibility of the property owner or the community association and must be specified in the maintenance schedule submitted to the City. A maintenance schedule for both publicly owned and privately owned facilities must be approved by the Director of TCI prior to the approval of construction drawings.
Authorized personnel from the City of San Antonio or Bexar County within the ETJ shall conduct periodic inspections of these facilities and structures. Any required repairs will be consistent with current construction standards. Maintenance issues identified by the City, County, or State during inspections shall be the responsibility of the current owner.
Bexar County Regulations for Stormwater Pollution Prevention