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City of Sterling Heights

Excerpt from Sterling Heights Stormwater Management Standards

An executed Stormwater Management Operations and Maintenance Agreement for the proposed stormwater system shall be submitted to the City prior to granting engineering site plan approval. The Stormwater Management Operations and Maintenance Agreement shall include but not limited to the following:
A. The locations of all the stormwater system components, structures and BMPs.
B. Specific maintenance requirements for the stormwater components including the required inspection cycle, personnel, training, inspection activities, and preventative maintenance required to ensure that the stormwater system functions properly.
C. The owner shall retain the services of a qualified individual, which may include a Licensed Professional Engineer, Certified Professional in Storm Water Quality (CPSWQ), NICET Certified Engineering Technologist in Stormwater and Wastewater System Inspection, or EGLE Certified Stormwater Operator (NPDES construction sites) to provide inspection and maintenance services.
D. A log of all inspections, maintenance activities and repairs are required. The log must provide, the date of activity, name of person performing activity and the description of activity performed. E. Provisions for establishing and maintaining vegetation that is integral to the proper functioning of the stormwater system.
F. Identify the entity responsible for the maintenance and/or repair of the stormwater system, including modifying or reconstructing the system, if the system does not function as designed.
G. A schedule for implementing the activities necessary for proper functioning of the system.
H. A maintenance agreement must allow the City, including all elected and appointed officials, employees, volunteers and other individuals working on behalf of the City, the right to access, inspect, and maintain the stormwater system. The maintenance agreement shall allow the local community to complete the following:

1. Inspect the structural or vegetative BMPs.
2. Perform necessary maintenance or corrective actions neglected by the BMP owner.
3. Track the transfer of the operation and maintenance responsibility of the BMP in the event ownership of the property changes.

I. A copy of the Stormwater Management Operations and Maintenance Agreement or Memorandum of Stormwater Management Operations and Maintenance Agreement shall be recorded at the Register of Deeds.
J. An example of the Agreement is included in the Appendix G.


Additional Resources

Sterling Heights Stormwater Management Expectations

Sterling Heights Surface Water Management Plan

Sterling Heights Stormwater Management Plan