Cobb County Water System’s Stormwater Management Division (SWM) manages both stormwater quality and quantity to ensure the health of the community and local ecosystems are sustained. The County maintains a five year municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) permit with United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) which grants Cobb County the right to discharge stormwater from municipal stormwater management facilities into waters of the State and requires the implementation of a Storm Water Management Program (SWMP). The Cobb County Stormwater Management Division (SWM) conducts routine inspections to identify potential stormwater pollutant sources and promote good behavior to prevent accidental discharges to the storm sewer system. Restaurants, landscapers, auto repair shops and car washes are examples of commonly inspected businesses.
Cobb County stormwater is responsible for auditing industries with NPDES permits issued by the State of Georgia. Industrial facilities are audited once every 5 years in accordance with our regulatory requirements. During audits, Cobb County staff visits the facility and identifies potential sources of stormwater pollution. While conducting a stormwater audit, Cobb County will review Spill Prevention and
Response Plans as well as self-monitoring data.
All drainage structures on non-residential property (including HOAs) are privately maintained and subject to inspection by Cobb County.
Stormwater Maintenance Plan
Having a plan can help sped up proper maintenance. Although they can vary depending on the business and site, every plan should contain the following:
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