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County of Brunswick


Brunswick County Stormwater Ordinance

The stormwater ordinance became effective Sept. 16, 2002. The unincorporated areas of the county are subject to the ordinance. The county also has agreements in place to administer the Stormwater Ordinance in Belville, Boiling Spring Lakes, Bolivia, St. James and Sunset Beach.

The ordinance and accompanying Stormwater Management Manual outline how stormwater runoff must be addressed for all new development and redevelopment in the county.

A county Stormwater Permit is required for:

  • All non-residential new development.
  • Non-residential redevelopment that increases impervious surface on the site.
  • Residential development that disturbs greater than an acre.
  • Residential developments where the site will be graded, filled, or excavated and thereby change the elevation of a location by more than four inches.
  • Residential development or any related disturbance within 30 feet of the banks of a natural stream or water body.


The Stormwater Ordinance requires individual property owners to maintain all streams, creeks, ditches, swales, pipes, culverts, etc. that are on the private property. The county does not provide maintenance of drainage ways. (Article VI, Division III, Section 3.4)

Fences or walls shall not alter or impede the natural flow of water in any stream, creek, drainage swale or ditch. Drainage easements must be maintained and kept free of obstructions.

Additional Resources

Brunswick County Stormwater Management Manual

Brunswick County Stormwater Website

Brunswick County Stormwater Fees