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County of Douglas

Douglas Stormwater Regulations

As one of Nebraska’s MS4  permitted counties, Douglas has a county wide stormwater management plan which includes post-construction and maintenance requirements. These standards incorporate state level regulations.

Excerpt- Stormwater Management Plan

Post-Construction Stormwater Control Management

The purpose of this MCM is to place the greatest value on retaining (and thus “treating”) the maximum amount of stormwater on site through good site design and green infrastructure and to ensure the water remains continuously “treated” if it leaves the property. With the implementation of specifically required Stormwater Treatment Practices (STP’s) water will have the best chance of being and/or remaining clean prior to entering receiving waters. These STP’s will be monitored and maintained based on official Maintenance Agreements.

5.2.1 Administer Post-Construction Stormwater site plan review procedures which reference:

  • The Douglas County Stormwater Management Regulation that defines and enables authority to conduct stormwater treatment plan reviews.
  • The minimum treatment volume with calculation method, volume treatment design criteria, and stormwater treatment practice design standards by reference for design of permanent stormwater treatment practices.
  • The maximum allowable impervious cover by zone district.
  • The minimum requirements for post-construction stormwater treatment plan submittals to satisfy structural and non-structural stormwater treatment standards.

5.2.2 Conduct site plan review for stormwater treatment design compliance

5.3.1 Douglas County will establish and administer the review of Post-Construction Stormwater site inspection procedures that:

  • Effectively define and enable authority to conduct site inspections
  • Provide minimum standards by reference for installation and maintenance of stormwater treatment practices.
  • Provide minimum required timing and information for construction operator and property owner self-inspections.
  • Provide current policies, staff and contact information, frequency, required procedures, and other relevant information for inspections.

Construction stormwater management guidance.

Conduct an initial inspection at the time each structural BMP is located for georeference into the BMP database. Require maintenance agreement for all private structural BMPs included in new development and redevelopment projects. Inspect and require maintenance of all BMPs according to schedule.


County Stormwater Page

Douglas Stormwater Management Plan