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County of Wayne

Excerpt from Wayne County Code of Ordinance

Article III. -Stormwater Ordinance

Sec. 78-61. – Purpose.

(a) This article is adopted for the purposes of:

(1) Protecting the public health, safety and welfare by controlling the discharge of pollutants into the stormwater conveyance system (stormwater ditches);

(2) Promoting activities directed toward the maintenance and improvement of surface water and groundwater quality;

(3) Satisfying the requirements imposed upon the county by the Neuse Stormwater Rule; and

(4) Establishing administration and enforcement procedures through which these purposes can be fulfilled.

(b) The provisions of this article are supplemental to regulations administered by federal and state governments.


Sec. 78-93. – Nutrient reduction requirements.

New development/land disturbance. Any person who proposes to engage in new development or land disturbing activity as defined in this section shall obtain a development permit from the planning department. Each development permit issued shall become invalid if the work authorized by it has not been commenced within six months of the date of issuance, or if the work authorized by it is suspended or abandoned for a period of one year (unless the planning board determines that the delay was beyond the control of the person, corporation, or other entity). As defined in section 78-60, new development or land disturbance is:

(1) Any grubbing, stump removal and/or grading activity that disturbs greater than one acre of land in order to establish, expand or modify a single family or duplex residential development or a recreational facility.

(2) Any grubbing, stump removal and/or grading activity that disturbs greater than one-half acre of land in order to establish, expand or modify a multifamily residential development or a commercial, industrial or institutional facility.


Sec. 78-97. – Maintenance of best management practices.

All best management practices that are implemented to achieve nitrogen reduction and flow attenuation will require a maintenance plan. Division 3 of this article details the provisions for the long-term maintenance plan for structural best management practices (BMPs).

Additional Resources

Wayne County Municipal Code

Wayne County Stormwater Management Program