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City of Green Bay

Green Bay Code of Ordinances


Sec. 16-81- Stormwater management performance standards

(b) Stormwater management plan. The responsible party shall develop and implement a written post-construction stormwater management plan that incorporates the requirements of this section.

(e) Stormwater discharge quantity. Unless otherwise provided for in this article, all land development activities subject to this article shall establish on-site management practices to control the peak flow rates of stormwater discharged from the site as described in this article. The amount of peak discharge control previously required for the site shall not be reduced as a result of the proposed development or land disturbance. Infiltration of stormwater runoff shall be in accordance with Wis. Admin. Code Ch. NR 151 and WDNR Technical and Guidance Standards.

(f) Stormwater discharge quality. Unless otherwise provided for in this article, all land development activities subject to this article shall establish on-site management practices to control the quality of stormwater discharged from the site. On-site management practices shall be used to meet the following minimum standards established for each development district:

(1) Stormwater management measures in the Urban Expansion District and Urban Reserve District shall be designed to remove, on an average annual basis, a minimum of 80 percent of the total suspended solids load from the proposed on-site development when compared to the proposed on-site development without stormwater management measures. The effectiveness of the stormwater management measures shall be evaluated using criteria provided by the Director.

(2) Stormwater management measures for developments in the Urban Service District smaller than five acres shall be designed to remove, on an average annual basis, a minimum total suspended solids load of 40 percent for redevelopment sites and a minimum of 80 percent for new development from the proposed on-site development when compared to the proposed on-site development without stormwater management measures. The effectiveness of the stormwater management measures shall be evaluated using criteria provided by the Director.

(3) The Director may require stormwater management measures in the Urban Service District for developments five acres or larger to be designed to remove, on an average annual basis, a minimum of 80 percent of the total suspended solids load from the proposed on-site development when compared to the proposed on-site development without stormwater management measures. The effectiveness of the stormwater management measures shall be evaluated using criteria provided by the Director.

(4) Discharge of urban stormwater pollutants to natural wetlands shall have pretreatment and vegetative buffers, unless otherwise exempted by the Director.

Sec. 16-82. – Permitting requirement and procedures and fees.
(a) Permit required. No landowner, land operator or responsible party may undertake a land disturbing or land development activity subject to this article without receiving a permit from the Director of Public Works prior to commencing the proposed activity.

(b) Permit application and fee. Unless specifically excluded by this article, any landowner operator or responsible party desiring a permit shall submit to the Director of Public Works a permit application made on a form provided by the City of Green Bay for that purpose.

(1) Unless otherwise exempted or excluded by this article, a permit application must be accompanied by the following to be considered by the Director:

a. A stormwater management plan;

b. A maintenance plan and a maintenance agreement;

c. Any easements which may be required;

d. A copy of plans and specifications for all stormwater facilities;

e. Certification by a professional engineer;

f. Any payment of a fee-in-lieu, as provided for under Section 16-81(m);

g. A nonrefundable permit administration fee; and

h. Performance securities, if applicable by subsection (d) of this section.

(2) The stormwater management plan shall be prepared to meet the requirements of Section 16-83 and the maintenance agreement shall be prepared to meet the requirements of Section 16-84.

Sec. 16-85. – Enforcement and penalties.

(a) Any land development activity initiated after the effective date of the ordinance from which this article is derived by any person, firm, association, or corporation subject to these provisions shall be deemed a violation unless conducted in accordance with said provisions.

(b) The Director of Public Works may issue a citation or a notice of violation of any noncomplying land disturbing construction activity or post-construction runoff in order to correct any violation of this article. A notice or violation shall describe the nature of the violation, remedial actions needed, a schedule for remedial action, and additional enforcement action that may be taken.

(c) Upon receipt of written notification from the Director of Public Works, a permittee, landowner or responsible party shall correct work that does not comply with the stormwater management plan or other provisions of the permit within 30 days or a permittee, landowner or responsible party shall make corrections as necessary to meet the specifications and schedule set forth by the Director of Public Works in the notice.

Additional Links

City of Green Bay Code of Ordinance

City of Green Bay Stormwater Website