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City of Jamestown

Chapter 31- Stormwater Management

Sec. 31-3. – Scope.

Every applicant for a building permit, addition, subdivision approval, a permit to allow construction activities that involve digging, grubbing, grading and the removal of plant vegetation and any other disturbance of the ground must submit a stormwater management plan to the city. No building permit, subdivision approval or permit to allow construction activities or other disturbance of the ground shall be issued or allowed until approval of the stormwater management plan or a waiver of the approval requirement has been obtained.

Sec. 31-7. – Contents of stormwater management plan.

All stormwater management plans, drawings, specifications, and computations for the stormwater management facilities must be submitted for review to the office of the city engineer. Any plan for developments five (5) acres or larger shall contain a validated seal and be signed by a professional engineer registered in the State of North Dakota. At a minimum, the stormwater management plan shall contain the following information:

  1. Stormwater management plan report
  2. Constructions plans and specifications
    1. Existing site map
    2. Site construction plan
    3. Plans of final site conditions

Sec. 31-21. – Construction activities.

Construction operations must at a minimum comply with the following requirements:

(1) Site dewatering. Water pumped from the site shall be treated by temporary sedimentation basins, grit chambers, sand filters, up flow chambers, hydro-cyclones, soil concentrators or other appropriate controls as deemed necessary. Water may not be discharged in a manner that causes erosion, sedimentation, or flooding on the site, the receiving channels, or any wetland.

(2) Waste and material disposal. All waste materials (including garbage, debris, cleaning wastes, wastewater, toxic materials, or hazardous materials) shall be properly disposed of off-site and not allowed to be carried by runoff or wind.

(3) Tracking management. At the end of each work day any material placed on a public or private road shall be removed (not by flushing) to prevent sediment tracking.

(4) Water quality protection. The construction contractor shall be required to control oil and fuel spills, and the discharge of any chemicals to prevent such spills or discharges from entering any watercourse, sump, sewer system, water body, or wetland.

(5) Site erosion and sedimentation control. Construction operations must include erosion and sedimentation control measures meeting accepted design criteria, standards and specifications.

City of Jamestown Stormwater Website

City of Jamestown Municipal Code