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City of Lincoln


10-02-01. – Application.

A written application for stormwater management plan approval, along with the proposed stormwater management plan, shall be filed with the City Engineer. The application shall include a statement indicating the grounds upon which the approval is requested, that the proposed use is permitted in the underlying zoning district, and adequate evidence showing the proposed use will conform to the standards set forth in this title. Prior to applying for approval of a stormwater management plan, it is recommended that the applicant have the stormwater management plan reviewed by affected public agencies.

10-02-02. – Contents of Stormwater Management Plan.

  1. Existing site map
  2. Site construction plan
  3. Plans of final site conditions
  4. Stormwater management plan report

10-04-02. – Stormwater Design Standards Manual.

The stormwater design standards manual (manual), as adopted and amended by the City, contains the principal standards and design criteria for developing an effective and acceptable stormwater management plan. The manual contains an overview of the City’s stormwater management policy and design objectives as well as a detailed discussion of the contents of stormwater management plans submitted to the City Engineer for approval. The manual contains detailed criteria for hydrologic evaluations, the design of stormwater management system facility components, water quality protection standards, instructions for the development of an erosion and sedimentation control plan, and requirements for easements and right-of-way. The manual also contains a discussion of operation and maintenance requirements, standard forms to be used, and standard construction details adopted by the City.

10-05-01. – Stormwater Management.

It is unlawful to initiate land development activity, land disturbing activity, or other activities which result in an increase in stormwater quantities, degradation of stormwater quality, or restriction of flow in any storm sewer system, open ditch or natural channel, stormwater easement, water body, or wetland outlet within the City or its extraterritorial jurisdiction, without having first complied with the terms of this title.