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State of Missouri

Missouri Regulations

“The Missouri Department of Natural Resources, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment and most other states regulate the quality of stormwater runoff by requiring permit coverage under the NPDES program – whenever there is land disturbance due to construction subject to regulations. In Missouri, the NPDES program is regulated through the Missouri Clean Water Law (10 CSR 20-6.200). The general land disturbance permit addresses the reduction or elimination of pollution in stormwater and certain non-stormwater discharges from: Construction sites that will disturb one acre or greater. Construction activities that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale that will disturb one acre or more over the life of the project.

SCMs are considered permanent and are designed to control stormwater discharges for both water quantity and water quality, after the site has been completely built. These devices may be constructed and installed during the construction phase of the project, but usually are not operated until project construction is complete and the site is stabilized.”

General Contractor and Site Superintendent Responsibilities

“Many communities are now required to regulate post-construction practices for water quality, therefore city or county regulations may apply in addition to state and federal regulations (See Chapter 1 for information about state regulations, federal regulations and permit requirements.) In order to avoid costly corrections and project delays, it will be important for the general contractor and site superintendent to: Understand local water quality requirements. Many communities are upgrading stormwater ordinances and codes, because they are now required to enforce development standards to meet water quality goals. As a result, requirements may include capturing and treating small storm runoff at the site. This makes it necessary to employ green infrastructure concepts and low impact development practices, in particular environmental site designs that include:

(1) Features such as stream buffers, less impervious surface (narrower streets, etc.), streetscapes, connected green spaces, parking lot controls and pocket parks.

(2) Strategically placed practices such as rain gardens, bioswales, stormwater wetlands, infiltration trenches, perimeter sand filters and planter boxes.

(3) Similar practices to collect and treat small storm runoff.

To avoid costly repairs, avoid damage to designated SCM locations during construction. Become aware of all planned SCMs designed for permanent function and identify where they are to be located. Contemporary designs can include numerous on-site SCMs throughout the project site. The ultimate placement and combined functions of SCMs, as well as their connected paths, need to be protected from soil compaction and other disturbances. Such protection will eliminate the need for costly repairs and will protect against failure of the SCM. Coordinate long-term operations with landowners. Local regulations for permanent stormwater control measures may require a formal transfer of operation and maintenance responsibility from developer to builder or buyer. Notify local governments about permanent practices where regulated. The site superintendent or general contractor should inform the local governing agency about the final location of all SCMs as well as who is in charge of the operation and maintenance of each control device. Check the local ordinance for requirements.”

Coordinating Long-term operation, maintenance and inspection

“Long-term operation, maintenance and inspection needs, along with any safety concerns, should be communicated to the affected landowners, homeowners’ association and other parties responsible for permanent oversight of the SCMs. Present and future landowners should be made aware of the potential consequences of changing vegetation types, poor maintenance practices or other actions that could cause a practice to function poorly or fail. A long-term education program should be implemented to ensure that multi-generational land owners understand the importance of maintaining practices. Without knowledge of their intended purposes, there is possibility new owners will disable functional features.”

Preparing the Operation, Maintenance and Inspection Manual

“Each stormwater control measure should have specific operation, maintenance and inspection information written in an operations, maintenance and inspection manual. The manual should be prepared by the design professional, and the entity responsible for operations, maintenance and inspection of each device should be identified. After construction is complete and all SCM devices are operational, the responsibility for operations, maintenance and inspection should be turned over to the proper entity, and the individuals should be provided adequate training for operations, maintenance and inspection.”


Missouri Water Quality Guide, Section 5 Permanent Stormwater Runoff Management

List of Local Government, MS4 Programs

Missouri Stormwater Quality- DOT Page