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State of New Hampshire

NH Department of Environmental Services

Soak Up the Rain New Hampshire (SoakNH) offers a variety of ways to voluntarily manage stormwater runoff from residential and small business properties.

  • Property owners can explore the Stormwater Solutions to learn how to infiltrate or redirect runoff, reduce erosion, and encourage groundwater recharge.
  • Lake and watershed associations can partner with SoakNH to form their own local groups, providing outreach and education to their members about the benefits of soaking up the rain.
  • Anyone can explore and be inspired by the photo galleries and stories showcasing New Hampshire residents soaking up the rain with rain gardens, infiltration steps, dry wells and other practices.

Property owners can estimate their “stormwater footprint” with the New Hampshire Residential Loading Model .xls Icon, which is based on the Center for Watershed Protection’s Runoff Reduction Method.

SW Manual Volume 2 Excerpt

3-5. Maintenance Factors
Regular Inspection and Maintenance

Regular inspections and maintenance are essential for long-term effectiveness of stormwater BMPs. BMPs are also very expensive to repair and replace. Sediment, trash, and other debris can accumulate in BMPs and needs to be removed periodically. If not properly maintained, the BMP will not operate as designed and will not provide effective treatment of stormwater runoff. This jeopardizes water quality and may violate permit conditions. All stormwater BMPs require maintenance, however, the frequency and difficulty of maintenance activities and the equipment needed to carry them out varies. Table 3-2 summarizes the relative level of maintenance required by each stormwater BMP. Inspectors and those overseeing or performing maintenance should be well trained and thoroughly familiar with the as-built plans for each BMP. They should be provided with detailed inspection and maintenance procedures, preferably developed by the designer who is familiar with the as-built plans.

New Hampshire Stormwater Resources

NHDPES Stormwater Website

NH Stormwater Utilities

NH Stormwater Manuals