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State of South Carolina

Excerpt from SC Standards for Stormwater Management and Sediment Reduction

Stormwater management and sediment control plan approvals are necessary prior to engaging in any land disturbing activity related to residential, commercial, industrial or institutional land use which are not specifically exempted or waived by these regulations. To the extent possible, the Commission intends to delegate the provisions of these regulations to local governments. Those program provisions which are subject to delegation include stormwater management and sediment control plan approval, construction and maintenance inspections, enforcement, and education
and training. The Commission encourages the implementation of the Stormwater Management and Sediment Reduction Act on a watershed basis by local governments. The Commission recognizes that all jurisdictions may not have the resources available to implement this type of program immediately. However, the comprehensive approach of implementing the program on the watershed basis will allow for planned, orderly development in a watershed. The implementation of a stormwater utility represents a comprehensive approach to program funding and implementation. The activities which may be undertaken by a stormwater utility include not only assessment, collection, and funding activities, but also carrying out provisions of adopted stormwater management plans. These provisions may include contracting for such services as project construction, project maintenance, project inspection, and enforcement of installation and maintenance requirements imposed with respect to approved land disturbing activities

South Carolina Standards for Stormwater Regulations

South Carolina Erosion and Sediment Reduction