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State of South Dakota

South Dakota Stormwater Regulations

EPA Stormwater Program Summary – South Dakota

Program Name: South Dakota General Permit for Storm Water Discharges from Small MS4s

Program Status: Existing MS4 Stormwater Program: State-wide general permit and guidance manual issued December 2002; all MS4s to have applied by March 10, 2003.

Regulatory Authority: MS4 General Permit administered by South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Surface Water Quality Program as mandated in the Administrative Rules of South Dakota (Chapters 74:52:01 through 74:52:11)

Standard Source: Phase II MS4 general permit

Size Threshold: Projects that disturb a land area one acre or greater, including projects less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale (Permit, Section 4.5, pg. 13).

Limited geographic area where standards apply: Regulated MS4 areas (urbanized areas)

On-Site Retention/Volume Control: N/A

Channel protection requirement: N/A

Water Quality requirement: BMPs must minimize water quality impacts. No specific state-wide standards beyond this (Permit, Section 4.5, pg. 13).

Flood control requirement: N/A

Compliance: Standards are reviewed by the MS4 during site plan review at the local level (Manual, pg. 62). Inspection & Maintenance/O&M: The MS4 operator must ensure adequate long-term operation and maintenance of BMPs. MS4s should require that, as part of the plat, it be noted that the legal title holder to the property is responsible for maintaining the BMPs, and that the municipality has the legal right to enforce that obligation, either by legal action to obtain compliance, or by performing the maintenance itself and then collecting those expenses by recording a lien on the property. Post-construction inspection and enforcement programs are required (Manual, pg. 6-4).


Surface Water Discharge Permit Regulations

Stormwater Permit for Municipal Storm Sewer Systems

Phase II Municipal Guidance Manual