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State of West Virginia

Excerpt from the Urban Subwatershed Restoration Manual Series

Urban Stormwater Retrofit Practices Appendices

Appendix I: Retrofit Design Sheets

(ST-2d) Wet Pond

Retrofit Maintenance Issues

Wet ponds normally have less routine maintenance requirements than other stormwater treatment options. The frequency of maintenance operations may need to be scaled up if retrofits are undersized or have a small contributing drainage area. Designers should consult CWP (2004b) for more information on wet pond maintenance problems and solutions. Several maintenance issues can be addressed during retrofit design and future maintenance operations:

  • Maintenance Access: Good maintenance access should always be provided to the sediment forebay, access bench, riser and outlet structure so crews can more easily perform maintenance tasks. The riser structure should be placed within the embankment.
  • Sediment Removal: Sediments excavated from wet ponds are not normally classified as toxic or hazardous material, and can be safely disposed by either land application or land filling. Sediment testing may be needed prior to sediment disposal if the retrofit serves a hotspot land use.
  • Clogging: There is always some risk that the low flow orifice or upstream flow splitter may clog. These aspects of retrofit hydraulics should be inspected frequently after construction. The retrofit should have a pond drain so crews can de-water the pond to relieve clogging and remove sediments.
  • Vegetation Management: The maintenance plan should clearly outline how vegetation in the pond and its buffer will be managed or harvested in the future. Methods to establish desired aquatic plants and control invasive plant species should be outlined. Annual mowing of the pond buffer is only required along maintenance rights-of-way and the embankment. The remaining buffer can be managed as a meadow (mowing every other year) or as forest.
  • Trash Removal: The maintenance plan should schedule a shoreline cleanup at least once a year to remove trash and floatables.

Pond vegetation flourishes when temperatures are warm and the growing season is long or year-round, which can result in prolific growth of algae, wetland plants, shrubs and trees (Figure 1). Regular mowing or even plant harvesting should be considered to keep vegetative growth in check.

  • Designers should always check to make sure there is an adequate water balance to support a permanent pool throughout the year- otherwise the potential of algal blooms, odors and other nuisances can increase sharply. When in doubt, install a clay or synthetic liner to prevent water loss via infiltration.

(ST-3d) Constructed Wetlands

Maintenance Issues for Constructed Wetland Retrofits

Several maintenance issues can be addressed during the design of constructed wetland retrofits:

  • Sediment Removal: Frequent sediment removal from the forebay is essential to maintain the function and performance of a constructed wetland. Maintenance plans should schedule cleanouts every five years or so, or when inspections indicate that 50% of the forebay capacity has been lost. Designers should also check to see whether removed sediments can be spoiled on-site or must be hauled away. Sediments excavated from constructed wetlands are not usually considered toxic or hazardous, and can be safely disposed by either land application or land filling.
  • Clogging: There is always some risk that the low flow orifice and any upstream flow splitters may clog. Clogging can quickly change design water elevations for the wetland and possibly kill wetland vegetation. The inlet and outlet structures to the wetland should be inspected frequently to discover any clogging problems.
  • Vegetation Management: Managing wetland vegetation is an important ongoing maintenance task. Designers should expect significant changes in wetland species composition over time. Invasive plants should be dealt with as soon as they colonize the wetland. Vegetation may need to be periodically harvested if the retrofit becomes overgrown. Construction contracts should include a care and replacement warranty extending at least two growing seasons after initial planting to selectively replant portions of the wetland that fail to take.
  • Trash Removal: Cleanups should be scheduled at least once a year to remove trash and debris from the retrofit.

(ST-4d) BioRetention 

(I-18) Design Issues for Bioretention

Several issues should be considered when designing bioretention retrofits:

  • Pretreatment: Pretreatment can prevent premature clogging and prolong the effective function of bioretention retrofits. Several pretreatment measures can be used, including directing runoff over a grass filter strip, adding a three to six inch drop or installing a pea gravel diaphragm that spreads flow evenly and drops out larger sediment particles. A two-cell design is recommended when bioretention is used as a storage retrofit or for larger on-site applications. The first cell is a sediment forebay that pretreats runoff and traps sediment before discharge into the main bioretention cell.

(ST-5D) Filtration

(I-23) Maintenance Issues for Filter Retrofits

Several maintenance issues can be addressed during retrofit design to reduce future maintenance operations, including:

  • Access: Good maintenance access is needed to allow crews to perform regular inspections and maintenance activities. Stormwater filters should be clearly visible at the retrofit site so inspectors and maintenance crews can easily find them. Adequate signs or markings should be provided at manhole access points for underground filters.
  • Confined Space Issues: Underground filters are often classified as an underground confined space. Consequently, special OSHA rules and training are needed to protect the workers that access them. These procedures often involve training on confined space entry, venting and the use of gas probes.
  • Sediment/Filter Bed Removal: Sediments will need to be regularly removed from the pretreatment chamber every three to five years. The filter bed media may also need to be replaced on the same schedule.

West Virginia Resources

West Virginia Stormwater Management and Design Guidance Manual 

Urban Subwatershed Restoration Manual 3, Urban Stormwater Retrofit Practices