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Town of Beaufort

Chapter 54- Stormwater

54.01 Stormwater Control

(H) In addition to the other requirements of this chapter, a Regulated Development shall be designed and constructed so that during a ten-year rain event:

(a) Water will not pond or accumulate in streets; and

(b) There will be no standing water within the Regulated Development except within engineered drainage features such as drainage swales or retention ponds or in naturally occurring drainage features of the property.

(K) All facilities constructed by an owner or developer shall be operated and maintained by the owner of the facility. In subdivisions of land under the town’s Subdivision Ordinance and where appropriate in Planned Building Groups under Section 9 of the town’s Zoning Ordinance, an owners association will be required to operate and maintain all stormwater management systems, features and devices. Deed restrictions and restrictive covenants that ensure development activities maintain the project consistent with the approved plans shall be recorded at the Carteret County Registry prior to the sale of any part of the Regulated Development.


Town of Beaufort Floodplains & Stormwater

Natural Floodplain Functions

Local Watersheds. The Town of Beaufort lies within the White Oak River Basin and has three (3) main watersheds: Town Creek, Taylor Creek, and Davis Bay (encompassing Turner Creek and Gibbs Creek). These watersheds encompass the majority of the Town and the surrounding areas, spanning over 3,050 acres, and receive the majority of the town’s stormwater runoff.

The Town Creek and Taylor Creek watersheds include the majority of commercial business in the Town and have the most development. Residential and commercial development within the watersheds has resulted in an increase in impervious surfaces and, consequently, contributed to the amount of flooding issues and impaired water quality for some streams.

Stormwater runoff is carried to the Newport River and North River delta estuaries, which are part of the White Oak River Basin. The Newport River and the North River are High Quality Waters, and all streams within this basin are classified at Tidal Salt Waters (SC), which are protected for secondary recreation such as fishing, wading, boating, and other activities involving minimal skin contact; fish and noncommercial shellfish consumption; aquatic life propagation and survival; and wildlife. Flow from the Newport and North Rivers flow either out to sea or into Back Sound, which is classified as Outstanding Resource Waters (Town of Beaufort Stormwater Capital Improvements Plan, 2019)


Additional Resources

Town of Beaufort Website

Town of Beaufort Municipal Code

Town of Beaufort Stormwater Advisory Committee