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Town of Summerville

The Town of Summerville has implemented a Stormwater Management Program in order to protect, maintain, and enhance water quality and the environment of The Town of Summerville and the short-term and long-term public health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of The Town of Summerville. The Town of Summerville is the permitting authority for all land disturbing activities and requires the land owner to maintain all on-site stormwater control facilities and all open space areas (e.g. parks or “green” areas) required by the approved stormwater control plan. The Town of Summerville will only provide construction permits to projects that establish a plan to manage stormwater runoff occurring during the construction process. Post-construction stormwater regulations will also be enforced. The Town of Summerville, under the NPDES program, also has the authority to inspect properties for noncompliance and can issue a notice of violation (NOV) for any deficiency or infraction onsite.

2.2.10 Stormwater Facility Ownership and Maintenance Ownership

Commercial: In new and re-development projects, ownership of the entire stormwater system (conveyances, as well as all BMPs, ponds, etc.) shall belong to the owner, or a lessee(s).

For any project, the owner of a portion or the entire stormwater system, as the case may be, shall be clearly designated before a Construction Approval will be issued. Ownership shall also be recorded on the final plat. Ownership shall imply responsibility for maintaining the stormwater system, including all ponds and other BMPs used for controlling runoff quantity and quality. Ownership does not imply that the owner(s) may in any way alter the size, or function of any component of the stormwater system without consent from The Town of Summerville. Owners found altering such components will be required to remove any alterations. Maintenance

Each component of the stormwater management system (pipes, inlets, BMPs) shall have a maintenance plan (activities and associated schedule) as part of the application package for a Construction Approval. The plan shall also cover temporary measures used during construction in addition to the long term maintenance of the system.

In addition, the owner/operator, HOA, or operator as applicable, must enter into a permanent maintenance agreement (Operating and Maintenance Agreement for Stormwater Facilities) with The Town of Summerville. This Agreement is a legal document, recorded in the permanent land records with the County Register of Deeds, in addition to being fully described on the final plat. The Agreement must be signed and executed prior to the issuance of a Construction Approval. This Agreement allows for maintenance to be performed by a third party such as an operator or other contractor. However, the owner must also be listed and is ultimately responsible for adherence to the maintenance requirements. The Town Engineer will provide oversight of these Agreements to ensure adherence by the owner or other responsible party. The Town Engineer will inspect a system as he deems necessary to ensure maintenance is being performed in accordance with this Agreement.


This chapter establishes inspection and enforcement guidelines to be followed by the Town.

4.1 Stormwater Management Inspections

Maintenance inspections will be performed on stormwater management systems and facilities throughout their useful life. For each system or facility installed or retrofitted during an approved construction project, the applicant must have submitted a maintenance schedule or plan. Town inspectors will be checking for adherence to this plan and any necessary changes that may arise after installation. Town inspections are not to be construed as a relaxation of the requirements on owners/operators to conduct self-inspection in accordance with any applicable local, state or federal stormwater requirements

4.1.1 Inspector Duties/Responsibilities

The Town of Summerville’s Stormwater Management Inspectors shall inspect and enforce the requirements of the Town Stormwater Management Ordinance. The job duties/responsibilities of a Town Stormwater Inspector shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

1. Conduct and document construction site inspections to ensure compliance with the approved Town Approval or stormwater management plan. Frequency of inspections will be determined by Town staff on an as needed basis.

2. Ensure that the Town Approval or stormwater management plan, the SWPPP, and the construction plans are on the project site and are properly being followed and implemented.

3. Conduct post-construction inspections to ensure that permanent maintenance is being performed in accordance with the maintenance schedules for the various stormwater management facilities in the Town or approved stormwater management plan.

4. Provide the owner/operator of the project a written report within seven (7) days after every during construction or post-construction site inspection.

5. Issue enforcement orders, as necessary, to the owner/operator when any portion of the work does not comply with the Town Approval and/or stormwater management plan or work is occurring without appropriate Approval. The enforcement process and types of orders is detailed in Section 4.3.

6. Perform a final inspection upon the completion of the stormwater system to determine if the system is constructed in accordance with the Town Approval and/or, stormwater management plan.

7. Take immediate action if the owner/operator fails to comply with the Town Approval or the approved stormwater management plan and an imminent hazard exists as a result. The inspector should address the situation and notify any applicable local, state and federal agencies.

8. Maintain accurate and comprehensive project inspection files ensuring all relevant information is entered in the files to be maintained in the Engineering Department.

4.1.2 Inspection Process and Procedures

As per the Town’s Stormwater Ordinance, the Town Engineer or an authorized respresentative/designee (inspector) may enter upon all properties for regular inspections, periodic investigations, enforcement and to effectuate the provisions of the Ordinance. Upon refusal by any owner/operator or property owner to permit an inspector to enter upon the property or continue an inspection, the inspector shall terminate the inspection or confine the inspection to portions of the property to which no objection is raised.

Upon completion of a during construction site inspection, the Town inspector should, at a minimum, include the following in his inspection report to be provided to the owner/operator:

1. Date and location of the site inspection.

2. Whether the Town Approval or stormwater management plan, SWPPP, and construction plans have been properly implemented and maintained.

3. Identification of any approved plan or BMP deficiencies.

4. Any corrective actions needed.

Upon completion of a post-construction maintenance inspection, the Town inspector should, at a minimum, include the following in this inspection report to be provided to the owner/operator:

1. Date and location of the site inspection.

2. Whether the activities identified in the approved maintenance schedule have been properly implemented and completed.

3. Identification of any maintenance deficiencies.

4. Any corrective actions needed.

4.2 Owner Inspection Responsibilities

In accordance with any applicable local, state and federal stormwater requirements including, but not limited to, the NPDES Construction General Permit (CGP), owner/operators are responsible for conducting during construction and post-construction site inspections. Records of such inspections should be kept for a minimum of five (5) years and must be made available to the Town upon request.

4.3 Enforcement

If the Town determines that a project is in non-compliance with the Town’s Stormwater Management Ordinance, then the Town may direct conformity by proceeding with the appropriate enforcement action. The types of enforcement tools available to the Town include a Correction Order, Notice of Violation (NOV), Stop Work Order and/or Civil/Criminal Penalties. The enforcement mechanism to be utilized will depend on the circumstances as described in the following sections.

4.3.1 Correction Orders

The Town Engineer shall issue a Correction Order for first offenses of non-compliance with the Town Ordinance, the Town Approval or the approved stormwater management plan. The purpose of the Correction Order is to give notice of the deficiencies, identify expected corrective results and provide a reasonable timeframe to the contractor prior to the Town taking further action to get a problem resolved. Correction Orders shall be submitted in writing, but a verbal notice may be given if the deficiency needs immediate correction to prevent offsite or downstream impacts. The Town Engineer shall issue Correction Orders within five (5) working days of an inspection. All Correction Orders, verbal or written, shall be noted in the project file.

Correction Orders may be issued in such cases, but not be limited to, when there is:

1. Failure to comply with the approved stormwater design plans to include failure to have properly installed and/or maintained BMP measures.

2. Failure to properly maintain permanent stormwater management structures.

3. Failure to notify the Town Engineer before beginning work on a phase of an approved project.

4. Failure to call for a final site inspection.

A Correction Order should at a minimum include, but not be limited to, the following:

1. Nature of the violation(s).

2. Proposed penalty.

3. Required corrective actions.

4. The time period for correcting the violation(s).

4.3.2 Notices of Violation (NOV)

If a Correction Order has been previously issued and there is either subsequent non-compliance issues or failure to complete the items on the Correction Order within a specified time period, then a Notice of Violation may be issued. In addition, for violations that do not involve a safety issue or an imminent threat of serious damage to the environment and/or public or private property, a Notice of Violation may be issued for, but are not limited to, the following:

1. If construction activities have been initiated and no BMP measures are in place, or are not working to prevent sediment from leaving the site.

2. Failure to have work inspected and approved before restarting construction activities after a stoppage of work.

A Notice of Violation (NOV) should at a minimum include, but not be limited to, the following:

1. Nature of the violation(s).

2. Proposed penalty.

3. Notification that a Stop Work Order may be issued or that Approvals for the site may be suspended or revoked if there is continued non-compliance.

4. Required corrective actions.

5. The time period for correcting the violation(s).

4.3.4 Civil Penalties

The Town Engineer may issue a Civil Penalty if a Notice of Violation and/or Stop Work Order has not been complied with or there has not been substantial progress in complying with the Notice of Violation and/or Stop Work Order. In addition, a Civil Penalty may be issued when there are repeated, recurring violations at the same site or when there are repeated, recurring violations by the same responsible party. Violations may subject the owner/operator to Civil Penalties in accordance with the Stormwater Management Ordinance, Division 6. Each separate day of a violation constitutes a new and separate violation.

4.3.5 Criminal Penalties

In addition to any applicable civil penalties, any person who negligently, willfully, or intentionally violates any provision of the Stormwater Management Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished within the jurisdictional limits of the Town’s court. The Town Engineer may issue a uniform summons citation for a violation of the Stormwater Management Ordinance in accordance with Division 6. Each day of a violation shall constitute a new and separate violation.


Town of Summerville Stormwater Management Design Manual

Town of Summerville Stormwater Management Plan

Town of Summerville Municipal Code