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City of Valley City

Chapter 10.2- Stormwater Management Plan

Section 10-02-01- Application

A written application for stormwater management plan approval, along with the proposed stormwater management plan, shall be filed with the City Engineer. The application shall include a statement indicating the grounds upon which the approval is requested, that the proposed use is permitted in the underlying zoning district, and adequate evidence showing the proposed use will conform to the standards set forth in this title. Prior to applying for approval of a stormwater management plan, it is recommended that the applicant have the stormwater management plan reviewed by any affected public agencies.

Section 10-02-02- Contents of A Stormwater Management Plan

  1. Existing Site Map
  2. Site Construction Plan
  3. Plan of Final Site Conditions
  4. Stormwater Management Plan Report

Section 10-04-06- Stormwater Management Criteria for Permanent Facilities

  1. Pre-verses post hydrological response of the site
  2. Natural features of the site
  3. Stormwater management strategies
  4. Adequacy of outlets
  5. Stormwater detention/retention facilities

Chapter 10.05- Stormwater Management Permits

Section 10-05-01- Stormwater Management

It is unlawful to initiate land development activities that result in the increase in stormwater quantities or degradation of stormwater quality to any storm sewer system, open ditch or natural channel, water body, or wetland outlet within the jurisdiction of the city, without having first complied with the terms of this title.

Section 10-05-03- Final Stormwater Management Plan

Upon completion of all required construction activities, the permit applicant shall submit to the City Engineer the final stormwater management plan to document any change to the original stormwater management concept. The final stormwater management plan shall contain record drawings showing the final configuration for all improvements as constructed. The final stormwater management plan and record drawings shall be certified by a Professional Engineer registered in the State of North Dakota.

Valley City Municipal Code