Erosion Control Services & Solutions


Effective Erosion Control Solutions for Your Property

AQUALIS provides erosion control solutions to combat fast moving water that loosens soil leading to bare areas. Bare areas on your property are more than just unsightly, they may indicate a larger problem with your stormwater system.


The Impact of Soil Erosion on Stormwater Systems & Property Safety

This loose soil is then carried downstream and deposited into stormwater control measures. This sedimentation process can clog your stormwater system as the buildup of sediment restricts the flow of stormwater. Soil erosion is a compounding issue as soil loss in an area leads to slope instability which in turn results in faster moving water that disrupts more soil. 

How Erosion Leads to Stormwater Blockages, Structural Damage & Regulatory Risks

Sediment collecting around outlets may be a sign of internal pipe failure and may be a symptom of a developing sinkhole. Additionally, flooding downstream can occur as control measures have reduced capacity. The further downstream that is affected, the more likely properties owners are to get a notice of violation as other properties are negatively affected.  

In severe cases, erosion may cause structural damage to parking lots and foundations.  Soil loss may cause the ground to shift resulting in cracks and instability underneath impervious pavement. Erosion should be addressed by stormwater professionals to ensure the root cause of the problem is addressed and effectively repaired.

Preventing Regulatory Issues with Proper Erosion Control Solutions & Services

AQUALIS provides root cause analysis to evaluate and repair the original cause of issues on your property. Neglecting soil loss on your property may lead to regulatory involvement as slope instability poses a safety risk for pedestrians and eroded soils may carry pollutants to vulnerable lakes nearby. 

Understanding the Different Types of Erosion

Bank Erosion

Gully Erosion

Rill Erosion

Sheet Erosion

Splash Erosion

Our Certifications

Erosion Control - AQUALIS
Erosion Control - AQUALIS
Erosion Control - AQUALIS
Erosion Control - AQUALIS
Erosion Control - AQUALIS

Did you receive an NOV? Have an urgent need? We can help.

Reach out to an AQUALIS representative today.