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AQUALIS named a Top Ten Sustainable Environmental Company of 2023

DURHAM, N.C.- AQUALIS, the leading provider is sustainable water management, is honored to accept the Environmental Business Review award for the Top Ten Sustainable Environmental Companies of 2023. Since its founding in 2001, AQUALIS has been devoted to its mission: to inspire change by preserving and protecting our most precious natural resource: water.

Over 20 years of sustainable water management has established AQUALIS as a leader in the industry, able to provide a complete set of sustainable water compliance solutions, ranging from engineering planning, design, analysis and construction management as well as field inspections, post construction maintenance and corrective repairs on existing systems. Chief Executive Officer for AQUALIS, Richard Matero says, “Sustainable water management and environmental health are the forefront of who we are as an organization. Ensuring our clients are not only compliant with local and federal regulations but understand the importance of why the regulations are in place.”

The more land that is developed, the more stormwater will be generated as it is prevented from returning to the earth and therefore the water cycle. “As we continue to develop as a nation, it is imperative that we are cognizant of the impact this has on our environment. AQUALIS takes great pride in designing and implementing sustainable options that coexist with typical infrastructure and improve the quality of our water resources,” Chief Development Officer, Erin Grenz includes. Utilizing innovations like green stormwater infrastructure and regenerative stormwater conveyance, AQUALIS designs and implements stormwater control measures that slow and reduce stormwater runoff.

Combatting challenges like aging infrastructure and increased pollutants, AQUALIS utilizes new ways of conveying water to improve the quality while simultaneously reducing the quantity of runoff. AQUALIS implements efficient, non-invasive methods of inspections and repairs as needed, reducing client disruptions and maintaining budgetary restrictions. Incorporating non-invasive repairs like hydro-excavation, slip lining pipes and using radar to visualize subsurface soils, the organization is able to diagnose problems and provide robust solutions in a sustainable manner.

AQUALIS provides services for municipalities, commercial properties, long term health facilities, homeowners associations and higher education facilities. Companies trust AQUALIS to provide cost effective solutions that improve the overall health and safety of our nation by adhering to and exceeding compliance expectations.

The annual listing of 10 companies that are at the forefront of providing Sustainable Environmental solutions and impacting the marketplace can be viewed here.