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Kansas is known for its vast plains, but this Midwest state isn’t all flatlands. Gentle hills with pastures and forests can be found in its northeastern regions, and countless rivers, lakes, and streams support wildlife, farmlands, and urban developments. Safeguarding these natural resources requires effective stormwater management.

AQUALIS can help you protect your investment and the environment from the detrimental impacts of rainfall runoff. We’re a stormwater maintenance company that ensures runoff is managed properly, clean, and compliant with laws and regulations.

How Stormwater Runoff Influences Kansas

There’s no doubt Kansas has abundant resources. Vast acres of fertile soil makes agriculture production easy. Other industries include manufacturing, logistics, and food processing operations.

These businesses attract people to the state, which results in additional roads, parking lots, and rooftops. These impervious surfaces don’t absorb rainfall, requiring the construction of drains, ditches, and sewer systems for movement. The runoff ultimately empties into the same bodies of water used for drinking water collection, outdoor recreation, manufacturing operations, and wildlife conservation.

The quality of these water sources degrades as runoff from impervious surfaces transports sediment, hydrocarbons, and other pollutantsIn addition to those concerns, subpar stormwater management practices may lead to erosion, flooding, turbidity, storm and sanitary sewer system overflow, and infrastructure damage.

Keep Kansas Beautiful 

AQUALIS provides a range of Kansas stormwater, wastewater, and freshwater management services. We leverage innovative testing, inspection, design, and implementation methods to deliver cutting-edge management solutions that improve functionality and meet regulatory standards.

  • Stormwater Management
  • Lift Station Management
  • Inspection Services
  • CCTV Pipe Inspections
  • Vactor, Jetting, And Hydro Excavation
  • Drinking Water Testing
  • Emergency Response Services

Whether your project is in the capital of Topeka, a rural area, or cosmopolitan Kansas City, Kansas, our team can meet your needs. We handle everything, from pond maintenance to shoreline restoration.

Turnkey Kansas Stormwater Compliance Services

Sometimes stormwater runoff isn’t your primary concern when developing a project. Without a management system, however, it may flow into the nearest water body uncontrolled.

AQUALIS specializes in understanding the science of water and designing sustainable solutions to maintain the state’s valuable resources. Kansas clients benefit from efficient and practical solutions that begin at project inception and run through its completion. As a result, your investments and the environment prosper.

Learn more about stormwater regulations in Kansas and give us a call to learn more about our stormwater compliance solutions.

Insights from AQUALIS

Whatever your industry, we can help with your stormwater needs.