Stormwater Services

Stormwater Maintenance

stormwater maintenance

The Importance of Routine Stormwater System Maintenance

Ongoing maintenance is critical to the performance of every stormwater system. Without routine maintenance, the system will eventually fail due to buildup and structural issues. However, routine upkeep can prevent costly rehabilitative and restorative repairs.

Additionally, routine maintenance is required in many cases where the property owner has signed an agreement with the authority having jurisdiction at the time of development. 

stormwater maintenance

Key Goals of Stormwater System Maintenance

Maintenance is the responsibility of the property owner, and whether the property has aboveground or underground stormwater assets, the objectives remain the same: ensuring the system meets requirements for water quantity (the volume of water stored in and leaving the site) and water quality (the chemical, biological, and physical composition) regulations.

Routine maintenance is required in many cases where the property owner has signed an agreement with the authority having jurisdiction at the time of development, commonly known as an Operations & Maintenance Agreement. 

Nationwide Stormwater Maintenance Services

AQUALIS provides stormwater maintenance to properties across the country. Routine maintenance plans are essential to the health of your stormwater system. 

Maintaining Stormwater Systems

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Custom Stormwater Maintenance Plans for Every Property

Stormwater systems vary depending on a variety of factors including year the system was designed, climate, surrounding impervious surfaces and expected rainfall. Because of these factors, no two stormwater systems are alike.

Stormwater maintenance programs are designed for your specific property. Consult with an AQUALIS stormwater professional today to understand what type of maintenance your stormwater system may need. 

Maintenance plans may include:

  • Visual Inspection of Structures
  • Soil Stabilization
  • Structure Cleaning
  • Vegetation Removal
  • Sediment Removal
  • Trash and Debris Removal
stormwater maintenance vacuuming truck

Prevent Costly Notices of Violation (NOVs) with Routine Maintenance

AQUALIS offers comprehensive maintenance and regular servicing solutions tailored to your property to ensure your stormwater systems operate correctly while extending the life of your investment and reducing the likelihood of costly notice of violations (NOVs).

NOVs, also called corrective notices are written letters from your local governing body that outline issues on your property that violate the local stormwater code. Often, they provide a timeline for remediation and explain potential fines if the deadline is missed. AQUALIS specializes in correcting NOVs, call today to create a remediation plan for your property. 

Stormwater Systems We Maintain

Vegetated system designed to hold a permanent volume of water at all times with extra capacity for rain events.

Vegetated system designed to hold temporary volumes of water during and following a rain event.

Vegetated system designed with specific water quality and quantity aspects to channel runoff while promoting infiltration.

Vegetated system designed with highly permeable soils that facilitate infiltration and groundwater recharge.

Devices installed at pipe or channel outfalls that convert high-velocity channelized flow into diffused sheet flow for infiltration and removal of particulate pollutants.

Outfalls are the drainage or discharge point of a stormwater system. They are designed to convey water away from urban areas.

Underground storage for collecting stormwater. Vaults have a storage capacity that regulates the flow of stormwater as it continues further downstream and off property.

These assets are collection points that allow stormwater runoff to enter stormwater assets where the water can be stored.

Underground infrastructure, also called pipelines, that convey stormwater from one place to another.

Underground systems that utilize technology and innovations to removal trash, debris, sediment and hydrocarbons from stormwater.

An underground SCM that allows stormwater to infiltrate back into the groundwater rather than another SCM or body of water.

Designed systems often retrofitted into storm sewers with storage and pollutant removal capabilities where aboveground SCM may be costly or unviable.

Why Stormwater Requires Treatment

While stormwater maintenance primarily provides functional benefits, it can also provide beautification for your property. 

stormwater maintenance
stormwater maintenance

Our Certifications

Stormwater Maintenance - AQUALIS
Stormwater Maintenance - AQUALIS
Stormwater Maintenance - AQUALIS
Stormwater Maintenance - AQUALIS
Stormwater Maintenance - AQUALIS

Did you receive an NOV? Have an urgent need? We can help.

Reach out to an AQUALIS representative today.