Stormwater Outfalls

Outfalls - AQUALIS

Understanding Stormwater Outlets

Stormwater Outlets or outfalls are a point where stormwater is discharged from a storm sewer or culvert. These stormwater control measures (SCMs) are the most common place to take samples and monitor pollutant levels.  

Outfalls - AQUALIS

Stormwater Discharge Point

Outfalls or outlets may release stormwater into a retention or detention area, stream or lake. Because these discharge points convey fast moving water, they are subject to erosion. Riprap or another dissipation material may surround the outfall to slow the velocity of runoff. 

Like all SCMs, outfalls are designed to function for each site specifically and therefore may have different components. 

Components of Outfalls



Level Spreader

Rip Rap

Storm Grate

Trash Rack

Our Certifications

Associated General Contractors of America Badge
Post Construction BMP Inspector Badge
Certified Arborist Badge
Lateral Assessment Certification Program Badge
Manhole Assessment Certification Program Badge

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