Hydrodynamic Separators

Understanding Hydrodynamic Separators
Hydrodynamic separators are underground systems that utilize technology and innovations to removal trash, debris, sediment and hydrocarbons from stormwater. As stormwater enters the precast system, the system is designed to regulate the velocity of the water flow to allow solids and sediment to settle.

Purpose of Hydrodynamic Separators
These systems are often supplementary to green stormwater infrastructure like bioretention practices. This “gray” infrastructure offers additional pretreatment benefits, specifically targeting heavy pollutant load areas. As they function underground, these separators may be chosen in areas with limited surface area. There are multiple systems that utilize various assets like oils skimmers, screens and flow controls in different ways to best serve the property they are installed on. In the case of a significant rain event, the systems allow the extra flow to bypass treatment without releasing previously collected solids.
Maintaining Hydrodynamic Separators
Maintenance of these systems depends on manufacturer regulations. Specific guidelines can be found in the owner’s operation and maintenance guide. AQUALIS is a certified maintenance and inspector provider of proprietary systems, call today to learn more about the system on your property.
Swales are designed with soil that allows water to infiltrate the ground, providing ground water recharge. Many SCMs utilize sunlight to facilitate evaporation and vegetation to facilitate denitrification
How SCMs Improve Water Quality

The detached pipe on this property allowed water to flow freely over unprotected soil, leading to the massive eroded area.
Severe Outlet Erosion | Athens, Georgia

AQUALIS stormwater professionals inspected a retail property and found severe damage to multiple catch basins, necessitating repairs to prevent environmental liability and ensure site operations.
Catch Basin Spay Cast | Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

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