Potable Water Distribution System Management

Designing Efficient Water Distribution Systems for Potable Water
Potable water, the water we use from our taps and faucets, also known as drinking water, originates from deep underground aquifers or from surface waterbodies like lakes and rivers, before being treated. AQUALIS has experienced engineers specializing in the design and maintenance of water distribution and treatment systems.

Water Treatment in a Municipal Water Management System
Public facilities manage their infrastructure under federal and state permits, which include requirements for monitoring of water quality and the careful development within communities to protect resources. The relationship between potable water and stormwater is significant, as municipalities often release stormwater into the same basins from which they draw pretreated, potable water. Therefore, protecting these resources is crucial and having professionals well-versed in this utility work helps with both water projects and overall watershed evaluations.
Water treatment is the process in which water is drawn from natural resources such as underground aquifers or lakes and rivers and then is treated. The level of treatment required is determined by the source water. Water taken from underground aquifers may require little treatment whereas water taken from surface waters like lakes and rivers may require more treatment.
The Importance of Regular Water Quality Testing
Regular water quality testing at the sources and tap provide municipalities and private users with data and insights to help inform decisions regarding water treatment and distribution. With new regulations relating to contaminants and caution in use, evaluation of water quality and its future uses of the utility play important roles in maintaining the watershed as desired.
Review Our Water Quality Webinars
Key Types of Water Distribution Systems
Water distribution systems require the same amount of attention and care given to the water treatment process. Regular maintenance and inspection are important to keep distribution systems operating efficiently.
Types of water distribution systems include:
- Underground Pipes
- Water Towers
- Fire Hydrants
- Water Meters

Potable Water Services
AQUALIS offers potable water services from evaluations and design to continual monitoring.
Feasibility and Design Studies
Engineered studies are often required by regulations to improve water systems and are critical in ensuring communities have access to safe, reliable drinking water. These studies serve as a critical first step in planning effective and affordable long-term solutions for our customers before moving forward with implementation.
Well Site Assessments
Each potable water well developed for public use requires careful consideration of the proposed physical locations of new water sources. These assessments are used to identify and prioritize the best water source locations.
Well Site Investigations
When well site assessment indicates a favorable well source location, further investigation is conducted by drilling a test well to confirm water quality. This temporary well allows for a continued investigation of the source water, ensuring that water quality levels meet required standards.
Pilot Testing
If initial investigations reveal less than optimal water quality pilot testing is conducted to evaluate potential treatment options. These studies confirm the effectiveness of the selected treatments in reducing specific contaminants from a site.
Well Test Pumping
As investigation progresses and water quality is deemed favorable or treatable, well test pumping studies are used to confirm sustained rates of water production at the site. This test can also help estimate the potential impacts (or drawdown) of extraction on the aquifer.
Storage Analysis
Each water system has storage to manage rapid changes in water use and to provide fire protection. These studies and analytics are used to evaluate, plan, and design for water system performance, addressing customer needs.
Chemical Treatment Design Reports
Each water system treats individual water sources with chemicals to ensure that water quality from a permanent source is pumped and safely delivered to the customer. These studies and designs focus on the recommended chemical additions for a full-scale production of water.
All utility systems benefit from accurate records and mapping of their infrastructure, and water systems are required to maintain maps of their distribution networks to ensure a required level of operations and maintenance.
Monthly Operating Reports (MOR)
Each water system serving the public is required to routinely monitor and report its performance to regulatory agencies. AQUALIS has Engineers who can assist Operators and utilities with the evaluation and submittal of these reports.
Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)
Each water system serving the public is required to annually report its performance to users and regulatory agencies. AQUALIS has Engineers who can assist utilities with the evaluation and submittal of these reports.
AQUALIS has experience in writing and receiving grants and subsidized loans for municipalities to complete projects that improve public health and water quality. Most funding from the federal government is distributed to the states through the States respective State Revolving Loan fund program.

Did you receive an NOV? Have an urgent need? We can help.
Notices of Violation (NOVs) or Corrective Notices should be taken seriously. Contact AQUALIS today to learn how to resolve the issue and comply with regulations.