Existing Conditions Assessment

When Does a Site Need an Existing Conditions Assessment?
Performing a comprehensive existing condition assessment is the foundation for a Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP). Our AQUALIS Engineering Services Department completes assessments both preliminary and on an ongoing basis to maintain your system. Existing Conditions Assessments are used to identify and locate potential and observed issues in stormwater management systems. From the assessment AQUALIS uses the data to implement Best Management Practices (BMPs) and Stormwater Control Measures (SCMs) during planning and development, creating sustainable long-term solutions. AQUALIS offers clients a proactive asset management approach by providing long-term monitoring and repair services to ensure your system remains compliant and efficient.

What are Existing Conditions Assessments?
Existing conditions assessments are evaluations of the current condition of the stormwater management system. During the inspection the inspector will identify maintenance items and potential hazards. Property owners can also benefit from existing conditions assessments to establish effective stormwater maintenance schedules.
Common Maintenance Items and Potential Hazards
Pond Bank and Berm Erosion
Clogged Culverts and Pipes
Water Quality Issues
Buried Culverts and Pipes
Excessive Sedimentation
Animal Burrows
Illicit Discharges
Overgrowth of Invasive Plants
At AQUALIS our engineers create systems meeting the present needs and anticipating future demands with an emphasis on efficiency, in addition to environmental and resource protection.
Stormwater Management Plan | Green Stormwater Infrastructure Plan

At AQUALIS, we adopt the Hannover principles of sustainable design and the Envision® Sustainability (ENV-SP) Design Practices, each one focusing on using renewable or recyclable resources to reduce and eliminate waste.
Sustainable Design

Did you receive an NOV? Have an urgent need? We can help.
Notices of Violation (NOVs) or Corrective Notices should be taken seriously. Contact AQUALIS today to learn how to resolve the issue and comply with regulations.