Water, Sewer, and Lift Station Permits

The Importance of Utility Permits
Permits ensure that utility systems are safe, effective, economic, and maintain environmental standards that are regulated to protect public health and our waterways. Permits often are required for the planning and execution of projects in two fundamental forms: new construction where feasibility and facility plans are reviewed and approved along with design and specifics of a proposal or operational permits where system performance is detailed and documented. At AQUALIS Engineering Services Division, we navigate which permits are applicable to your site. We can offer planning and design services, creating compliant sustainable solutions. We also provide long-term maintenance upkeep to ensure your systems remain compliant and operating as designed.

Water Regulations
The construction, operation, and maintenance of potable water systems are regulated on the local, state, and federal level. These regulations ensure your system is compliant with the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), that the water is safe for use, there is effective firefighting capacity, and that your potable water sources are protected from harmful influence. These regulations apply to distribution systems, well and surface water supplies, booster station and other pumping facilities, reservoirs and storage, water treatment plants (WTP), and the disposal of byproduct biosolids (a product of treatment). Ensuring that your water system is compliant with permits ensures that water is safely supplied and treated without contaminating the environment.
Wastewater Regulations
The construction, operation, and maintenance of wastewater systems are regulated on the local, state, and federal level. These regulations ensure your system is compliant with the Federal Clean Water Act (CWA), protecting our water from polluted discharge. These regulations apply to collections systems, lift stations and other pumping facilities, wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), and the disposal of biosolids (a product of treatment). Ensuring that your wastewater system is compliant ensures that wastewater is safely collected, treated, and disposed of or treated without contaminating the environment.
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Types of Permits
The first permit type generally regulates the design, construction, and operation of specific utility system additions and modifications with the goal of completing effective infrastructure that reduces instances of overflows and water contamination. This permit type evaluates and improves infrastructure prior to its use. The second permit type monitors the performance and observes violations during established system use, continuously monitoring the performance of utility systems and observing key indications when treatment or utility performance is observed or measured deficient. Collective permits are used to define and regulate the required provisions and practices of the respective utility system.

There can be different permits depending on the services needed on the local, state and federal level. AQUALIS helps clients understand which permits are applicable to their site.
Water Construction Permit
These permits are typically needed for (watermain) distribution, well pumphouses, water treatment, booster stations, water reservoirs, and surface water treatment plants. They are issued when constructing, repairing or modifying a water system is approved.
Water Discharge Permits
These permits require monitoring and reporting on a set time basis to evaluate ongoing flows from each system water source and the capacity of systems used during operations. The results are evaluated annually and used to develop improvements to better serve the public.
Sewer Construction Permits
These permits are typically needed for sanitary or storm sewer collection, lift stations, and other waste collection facilities. They are issued when constructing, repairing, or altering a sewer system is approved.
Wastewater Discharge Permits
These permits monitor instances of (untreated) overflows and the performance of treated systems. The results are evaluated after an occurrence and annually to promote required changes to serve the public better.
Did you receive an NOV? Have an urgent need? We can help.
Notices of Violation (NOVs) or Corrective Notices should be taken seriously. Contact AQUALIS today to learn how to resolve the issue and comply with regulations.