Drainage Design

Reengineering Drainage on Your Property
Proper design can combat private site or roadway drainage deficiencies like ponding, localized flooding, poor infiltration due to poor soils, ineffective grading and other concerns. Drainage design also involves proper control and movement of water from the source area to the discharge point (parking lot to storm sewer). Using modern hydrologic and hydraulic software, Professional Engineers at AQUALIS develop designs that work with your existing property to minimize costs related to retrofits while imitating and enhancing the natural environment. Providing your property with individualized, site-specific design, integrating the most effective drainage solutions. We use an innovative approach mixing traditional and non-traditional solutions, delivering efficient and cost-effective options.

Combatting Environmental Challenges
Intentional drainage design can not only prevent erosion and flooding but also filter pollutants like nitrogen and phosphorus. Proper drainage design discourages invasive species and removes sediment loads, increasing biodiversity and improving water quality. Common drainage issues include excessive stormwater runoff, improper subsurface and sewer drainage and flooding. Stormwater systems should be inspected following all major rain events; pooling or excessive standing water can be indicative of larger problems.
Benefits of Proper Drainage Design
Reduced High Stormwater Flows
Increased Native Vegetation
Minimized Pollutants
Reduced Nuisance Species
Increased Biodiversity
Erosion Prevention
Regulatory Compliance
The stormwater runoff from the newly acquired maintenance building drained to the combined sewer without properly treating the stormwater runoff prior to discharging to Lake Michigan.
Grant Assistance and Green Infrastructure | Milwaukee, WI

The AQUALIS Engineering Services team and landscape architects redeveloped a total of twenty schoolyards, which included removing asphalt and installing green infrastructure, outdoor classrooms, and natural play structures within the MPS’s schoolyards for sustainable stormwater management and student engagement.
Public School Redesign | Milwaukee, WI

Working with the EPA, municipalities and local firms including AQUALIS’s Engineering Division, RPWIN has been able to improve water quality, reduce runoff and pollutant loads, slow the velocity of water volume, restore natural habitats and improve outdoor recreational opportunities.
Highway KR Regenerative Stormwater Conveyance| Kenosha, WI

The stormwater runoff from the newly acquired maintenance building drained to the combined sewer without properly treating the stormwater runoff prior to discharging to Lake Michigan.
Grant Assistance and Green Infrastructure | Milwaukee, WI

The AQUALIS Engineering Services team and landscape architects redeveloped a total of twenty schoolyards, which included removing asphalt and installing green infrastructure, outdoor classrooms, and natural play structures within the MPS’s schoolyards for sustainable stormwater management and student engagement.
Public School Redesign | Milwaukee, WI

Working with the EPA, municipalities and local firms including AQUALIS’s Engineering Division, RPWIN has been able to improve water quality, reduce runoff and pollutant loads, slow the velocity of water volume, restore natural habitats and improve outdoor recreational opportunities.
Highway KR Regenerative Stormwater Conveyance| Kenosha, WI

The stormwater runoff from the newly acquired maintenance building drained to the combined sewer without properly treating the stormwater runoff prior to discharging to Lake Michigan.
Grant Assistance and Green Infrastructure | Milwaukee, WI

Did you receive an NOV? Have an urgent need? We can help.
Notices of Violation (NOVs) or Corrective Notices should be taken seriously. Contact AQUALIS today to learn how to resolve the issue and comply with regulations.