Stormwater Quality Testing

Testing Surface Water Quality
Stormwater runoff carries pollutants from the land surface into our waterways. In urban areas, this can include sediment, deposited nutrients, heavy metals, chlorides and potentially illegal discharges. Municipalities must apply for and maintain storm sewer discharge permits requiring the regulation of various pollutants. Municipalities then hold property owners responsible for uploading appropriate water quality. In some municipalities, if illegal discharges or high pollutant levels are found, corrective notices may be issued to property owners.

Water Quality Monitoring
Surface water includes rivers, lakes, wetlands, streams and bodies of water that function as a source of fresh water. Surface water is often tested for contaminants before being treated to becoming potable drinking water. If pollutants are found, they will be traced back to the original source or location where the owner will be held liable for remediation.
Many municipalities also require quarterly inspections of stormwater discharges or outfalls. Frequency of inspection varies depending on the industrial activity occurring onsite. Water quality testing involves taking samples of the water from a stormwater system to be inspected for pollutants inside a laboratory. Testing reduces the pollutants entering public waterways as the sources are identified and eliminated.
PFAS in Stormwater
Stormwater Quality Violation
If your property is found to have high levels of nutrients, you may be at risk of a Notice of Violation (NOV). A common cause of water quality NOVs is illicit discharges. An illicit discharge is the disposal of any substance other than stormwater into a stormwater system. This could be a connection to wastewater systems, greywater, liquid wastes or tap water. Any water discharging from stormwater pipes in a dry period is referred to as “dry flow”. If the dry flow originates on your property, you can be held liable to remediate the discharge.
As a property owner, you can visually inspect the water leaving your site to stay ahead of violations. After or during major rain events, visually inspect the stormwater for floatables, foam, oils or abnormal coloring as these are signs of pollutants. If any of these properties are present in the water on your property, call water testing professionals for a full diagnosis.

Prolong The Life of Your Stormwater System
AQUALIS offers comprehensive maintenance and regular servicing solutions tailored to your property to ensure your stormwater systems operate correctly while extending the life of your investment and avoiding costly NOVs.
Systems We Inspect
Vegetated system designed to hold a permanent volume of water at all times with extra capacity for rain events
Outfalls are the drainage or discharge point of a stormwater system. They are designed to convey water away from urban areas.
Underground storage for collecting stormwater. Vaults have a storage capacity that regulates the flow of stormwater as it continues further downstream and off property.
These assets are collection points that allow stormwater runoff to enter stormwater assets where the water can be stored.
Underground infrastructure, also called pipelines, that convey stormwater from one place to another.
Underground systems that utilize technology and innovations to removal trash, debris, sediment and hydrocarbons from stormwater.
An underground SCM that allows stormwater to infiltrate back into the groundwater rather than another SCM or body of water.
Designed systems often retrofitted into storm sewers with storage and pollutant removal capabilities where aboveground SCM may be costly or unviable.
Water Quality NOV
During routine inspection, the Town of Maynard, Mass. found pollutants leaving this retail site. To remediate the issue the stormwater pipes were inspected, cleaned and repaired.

Did you receive an NOV? Have an urgent need? We can help.
Reach out to an AQUALIS representative today.