Insights & Expertise

Responsible + Reliable Sustainable Water Management Solutions & Services

Insights & Expertise - AQUALIS

Insights from the Nationwide Leader in Sustainable Services

AQUALIS focuses on sustainable water management, so we have an unmatched perspective of water management from concept to construction and later maintenance.

Learn about the latest changes in rules and regulations, water management technologies, localized spotlights on trends in stormwater and lift station assets throughout the country. 

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Case Studies

AQUALIS has assisted property owners and managers across the US with stormwater and wastewater issues. Learn more about how AQUALIS has managed water across the nation.

AQUALIS stormwater professionals inspected a retail property and found severe damage to multiple catch basins, necessitating repairs to prevent environmental liability and ensure site operations.

This commercial distribution center has four retention ponds on the property to offset the impervious surface area. These ponds collect, store and treat stormwater runoff.

The property owners on this site noted cracking and shifting along the edge of the parking lot near stormwater assets. Understanding the gravity of the situation, they reached out to AQUALIS to conduct a preliminary inspection of the stormwater system.

Regular maintenance of stormwater assets protects properties from failures related to buildup and structural issues. Routinely inspecting and maintaining these assets can prevent costly repairs. This client is required by the local municipality to inspect and repair the stormwater system on their property to full compliance every five years. During this regular inspection, defects were found and remediated before more serious issues surfaced.

Insights & Expertise - AQUALIS

Emergency Response

For assistance with emergency service needs, call us immediately. 

Insights & Expertise - AQUALIS

Nationwide Services

Review our locations and find your local representative with our interactive search. 


AQUALIS is a company that specializes in stormwater and wastewater management. It provides services related to the inspection, maintenance, repair, and regulatory compliance of stormwater and wastewater systems.

AQUALIS works with various industries and municipalities to help improve water quality, prevent flooding, and ensure environmental sustainability by managing runoff, stormwater infrastructure, and wastewater treatment systems.

We aim to support the preservation and protection of waterways while helping clients stay compliant with environmental regulations. 

Every living thing needs water to survive. This means we must be diligent about maintaining water quality and ensuring it is accessible. Without treatment, water cannot be consumed by humans. Managing and treating water naturally and chemically is crucial to human life. 

The Sustainable Water Compliance Summit is an engaging and educational event hosted by AQUALIS. The event highlights industry leaders from across the United States to review and present emerging projects and technologies. With insightful plenary sessions, active audience participation and potential continuing education credits, the event is a must attend for water professionals. Join us at our next summit to raise awareness and promote action toward enhancing stormwater and wastewater management at local, regional and national levels. 

Stormwater maintenance is preventative. Regular maintenance ensures the system will continue to operate without major interruptions.

Case Studies & Insights

Did you receive an NOV? Have an urgent need? We can help.

Notices of Violation (NOVs) or Corrective Notices should be taken seriously. Contact AQUALIS today to learn how to resolve the issue and comply with regulations.