Join us April 22nd for the annual Sustainable Water Compliance Summit. Registration is free and open now. | RESERVE YOUR SEAT
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Stormwater Management
Comprehensive solutions for a wide range of above-ground and underground stormwater systems.
Wastewater Management
Ensure your wastewater system is operating efficiently with regular maintenance.
Sustainable Water Engineering
Comprehensive stormwater design in a cost efficient and sustainable manner.
Water Quality Testing
Comprehensive stormwater design in a cost efficient and sustainable manner.
Green Infrastructure
Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) are stormwater control measures (SCMs) that capture, manage, and treat stormwater runoff by mimicking natural hydrologic and pollutant removal processes.
Green roofs treat stormwater where it lands.
Insights & Expertise
As the leader in the sustainable water industry, AQUALIS is able to provide insight and expertise to your project.
Also referred to as gutters, storm grates or curb drain inlets, catch basins are the first line of defense against property flooding. Visible from above, these assets may vary in placement on your property but they serve the same function underground. Catch basins, inlets and grates are collection points that convey stormwater into underground infrastructure.
From below these assets are precast concrete, poured in place concrete or built from brick. They are connected to storm sewers underground and allow excess runoff to enter the stormwater system. Catch basins often have grates that prevent debris and trash from entering the system, while inlets do not. These assets can be found in parking lots and along the edge of the pavement to remove runoff from the impervious surface. Catch basins may also have a sump that collects material without allowing it to convey downstream. Because they are the first line of defense in stormwater systems, they experience extreme wear and tear and should be maintained regularly.
Storm Drain
Catch Basin
Curb Inlet
Grate Inlet
Storm Sewer Access
Gutter Inlet
Catch Basin Repair | Beaver Dam, Wis.
Reach out to an AQUALIS representative today.