
AQUALIS Permit Services
Navigating permit requirements to ensure your site is compliant can be incredibly difficult. Permit authorities for a given site can be local, state, and even federal agencies. AQUALIS has the expertise to anticipate permitting agencies and requirements upfront and efficiently navigate the permitting process with our clients.

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Maintaining a Permit
Permitting can be required on local, state, and federal levels, depending on the activity. Always consult a knowledgeable professional, such as AQUALIS, to ensure that your project is in regulatory compliance. Operation permits, such as utility permits and stormwater management permits, require ongoing inspection and renewal/recertification by a certified professional. AQUALIS provides inspection service management for scheduling regular inspections, as well as certified inspectors to ensure systems meet permit requirements. AQUALIS also provides maintenance services for keeping systems operating as designed.
Who Requires Permits?
Permits are required by federal, state, and local governing authorities to ensure that construction and operation are safe for both the public and the environment. Permits are used to ensure that designed systems are up to code. Construction permits are typically issued temporarily and will be closed once construction is complete. Operation permits extend for the life of the system, and often require renewal and/or recertification at regular intervals.
Does My Project Need a Permit?
If your project alters hydrology (the movement of water), involves land-disturbing activity, or discharges materials to a water system, then your project needs a permit. Permits may be required on multiple regulatory levels. AQUALIS Engineering Services Division can assist clients in identifying which regulations and agencies will require permits for their project, providing peace of mind that compliance is met on all levels.
What is the Easiest Way to Permit a Project?
Permitting can be a very complicated process as different departments and agencies are adhering to different codes. Working with a knowledgeable professional, such as the professional engineers at AQUALIS Engineering Services Division, communication with the permit agencies as early as the concept phase of a project, will help direct design decisions to minimize permitting effort while maintaining project goals.
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Did you receive an NOV? Have an urgent need? We can help.
Notices of Violation (NOVs) or Corrective Notices should be taken seriously. Contact AQUALIS today to learn how to resolve the issue and comply with regulations.