Sustainable Design & Consulting Services

Sustainable Design & Consulting Services - AQUALIS

Sustainable Design Services

At AQUALIS, we adopt the Hannover principles of sustainable design and the Envision® Sustainability (ENV-SP) Design Practices, each one focusing on using renewable or recyclable resources to reduce and eventually eliminate waste. By adopting these sustainability practices into water design, we conserve natural resources and minimize environmental impacts.  Utilizing long-term sustainable practices aligns with our purpose to provide compliant management solutions that better our nation’s communities and corporations. 

Sustainable Design Services

We provide full site redesign services from site evaluation to site redesign, permitting, and implementation for stormwater retrofit, demolition, and redevelopment projects.
Our engineers are experts in wastewater analysis and design that are dedicated to delivering technical expertise while leveraging our extensive local and national regulatory experiences. AQUALIS offers solutions that address complex wastewater management challenges, enhance resilience, promote sustainability, and uphold environmental stewardship.
AQUALIS Engineers can design stormwater management systems that meet permit requirements for MS4 and NPDES.
AQUALIS can offer comprehensive site development services, integrating stormwater engineering with civil engineering, landscaping, habitat improvements, drinking water, sewer, and other utility needs.
Our engineers design compliant systems that also provide long-term asset management through inspections and maintenance for your facility. Additionally, AQUALIS has experience developing Master Utility Plan (MUP), which is often required when designing and developing a water utility facility.
To address potential flooding at residential properties, we conduct private site drainage evaluations. Our expertise in residential stormwater and drainage design can provide effective solutions and more.
Integrating traditional and innovative approaches to drainage design benefits both the client and the environment. This approach can lead to reduced costs over the lifespan of a project and can minimize adverse impacts on the surrounding ecosystem.
Sustainable Design & Consulting Services - AQUALIS

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Sustainable Design & Consulting Services - AQUALIS

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What is Sustainable Design?

Sustainable Design combines civil engineering and environmental science to introduce best management practices (BMPs), like green infrastructure, and to develop innovative solutions that address environmental challenges.  Techniques like biomimicry, which involves learning from nature and mimicking natural regenerative processes, contribute to creating longterm sustainability 

Low Impact Development (LID) is a sustainable stormwater management practice to control water at the source, instead of creating a pipe drainage system to collect stormwater. Implementing LID can include the uses of structural and non-structural devices to create a design that creates climate resiliency and is long term cost effective 

Regulations often mandate certain environmental protections and water management practices. Sustainable water design not only helps meet these regulatory requirements but also provides additional environmental and social benefits. 

Integrating sustainable practices into existing infrastructure can involve retrofitting with green solutions. This approach can enhance the capacity of existing infrastructure to manage variable water flows and reduce environmental impact. 

Stormwater O&M

Case Studies

Did you receive an NOV? Have an urgent need? We can help.

Notices of Violation (NOVs) or Corrective Notices should be taken seriously. Contact AQUALIS today to learn how to resolve the issue and comply with regulations.