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    City of Florence

    Excerpt from Florence Municipal Code

    Chapter 23- Stormwater Management

    Sec. 23-3. - Routine maintenance.

    (a) All stormwater BMPs shall be maintained according to the measures outlined in the most recent version of the city stormwater pollution prevention plan, as required by the subdivision regulations and as approved in the permit.

    (b) The person or organization responsible for maintenance shall be designated in the plan. Options include:

    (1) Property owner.

    (2) Homeowner's association; provided that provisions for financing necessary maintenance are included in deed restrictions or other contractual agreements.

    (3) Private contractor under contract with the owner.

    (c) Maintenance agreements shall specify responsibilities for financing maintenance.

    Sec. 23-5. - Inspections.

    (a) The person or organization responsible for maintenance shall inspect stormwater BMPs on a regular basis as outlined in the plan.

    (b) Authorized representatives of the city may enter at reasonable times to conduct on-site inspections or routine maintenance.

    (c) For BMPs maintained by the property owner or homeowner's association, inspection and maintenance reports shall be filed with the city, as provided for in the plan.

    (d) Authorized representatives of the city may conduct inspections to confirm the information in the reports filed under section (c) of this section.

    Additional Resources

    City of Florence Stormwater Website

    City of Florence Municipal Code