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    City of Jackson / County of Madison

    Within the City of Jackson, stormwater runoff from disturbed land sites convey high volumes of sediment and other pollutants into receiving waters, degrading water quality and land surfaces, contributing to the impairment of the flood plain, increasing street and storm sewer maintenance cost, and increasing flooding and dusty conditions. The removal of existing trees and vegetation can compound and aggravate the aforementioned conditions.

    The City of Jackson’s Engineering Department has put into place a Stormwater Management Program to comply with the requirements of the City’s Phase II MS4 Stormwater Permit issued by the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC).

    The purpose of these rules and regulations is to establish stormwater management requirements and controls to protect and safeguard the general health, safety, and welfare of the public residing in watersheds within the City of Jackson. The objective of these rules and regulations are:

    1. To reduce erosion and sedimentation resulting from the development of land within the City of Jackson.
    2. To attenuate the stormwater runoff from developed land.
    3. To integrate measures to reduce practices that adversely affect the natural vegetative cover within the City of Jackson.

    The Stormwater Management Program consists of six required program elements called “minimum control measures”. These measures when implemented will help reduce pollutants to our stormwater system, increase public awareness of the problem, and improve water quality:

    • Public Education and Outreach
    • Public Involvement and Participation
    • Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
    • Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Controls
    • Post-construction Stormwater Management
    • Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping

    2. Maintenance of Detention/Retention Facilities

    A permanent maintenance agreement for stormwater detention/retention facilities will be required, including any components required for water quality control. Responsibility for maintenance of the facility(s) will be recorded as such on the plat with the appropriate notation on the particular lot unless that responsibility has been legally transferred to another person or entity by a properly recorded legal agreement. The registered professional engineer who designs the facility will develop minimum maintenance requirements to ensure that the facility is kept functional. The maintenance agreement will specify minimum maintenance requirements to be performed by the property owner(s) and the frequency of maintenance activities. Minimum maintenance requirements will include:

    1. Routine inspections
    2. Removal of accumulated trash and debris
    3. Routine cutting of grass on banks/levees
    4. Sediment removal
    5. Stabilization of eroding banks and/or pond bottom.
    6. Removal and proper disposal of oil that may accumulate in the pond
    7. Removal of willows or other large trees and shrubs from banks/bottom

    The maintenance agreement will also grant permission to the City to enter the subject property to inspect the stormwater detention/retention facilities as deemed necessary. If the facility is not being maintained, the City Engineer or his designee will notify the property owner to repair/maintain the facility within a reasonable period of time. If the property owner fails to repair/maintain the facility within the allotted time, the City Engineer shall authorize the required maintenance to be performed or paid by the City. A lien for up to double the expense to the City shall be filed against the property in addition to any other penalty assessed.


    City of Jackson Stormwater Ordinance

    City of Jackson Stormwater Website