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    City of Titusville

    Titusville, Florida Technical Manual

    Section 7- Stormwater Management

    7.5 Stormwater Management Performance Standards All site drainage shall be retained on-site and directed through an approved stormwater retention area prior to its discharge from site. The proposed development shall not result in degradation of water quality to receiving bodies conveyed from the site. Retention and detention ponds shall be used to retain and detain the increased and accelerated runoff which the development generates. Water shall be released from retention ponds/detention ponds to a legal positive outfall. Stormwater shall be released at a rate and in a manner approximating the natural flow which would have occurred before development.

    Section 11- Low Impact Development (LID)

    11.2- Goals of Low Impact Development

    11.2.1 Achieve multiple objectives. Comprehensive stormwater management helps achieve multiple objectives such as: managing peak discharge rates and total discharge volume; providing effective stormwater treatment to minimize pollutant loadings; maintaining or improving the hydrologic pattern at a site; and retaining or harvesting stormwater onsite for non-potable purposes. LID also promotes integrating stormwater systems into the landscaping and open space of a site creating more attractive and diverse systems.

    11.2.2 Preserve or restore natural features and resources. The conservation or restoration of natural features such as floodplains, soils, and vegetation helps to retain or restore hydrologic functions thereby achieving the multiple objectives above.

    11.2.3 Minimize soil compaction. Soil compaction disturbs native soil structure, reduces infiltration rates, and limits root growth and plant survival.

    11.2.4 Reduce and disconnect impervious surfaces. By minimizing impervious surfaces, especially directly connected impervious surfaces, more rainfall can infiltrate into the ground.

    11.2.5 Manage stormwater close to the source. Using source controls to minimize the generation of stormwater or pollutants that can get into stormwater needs to be the first step in managing stormwater.

    11.2.6 Use a BMP Treatment Train approach. Effective stormwater management requires a comprehensive approach that incorporates source controls with multiple structural stormwater BMPs (retention, detention, and filtration) often integrated into the landscaping to create an efficient stormwater management system. See Sec "Treatment Train" of the Stormwater Management Technical Manual.

    11.4 Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Documents

    11.4.1 The proper operation and maintenance of the LID BMPs is as critical to the success of a project as is the design of the system and site. To ensure the system continues to meet its performance standards, O&M documents will be required to be submitted for each LID BMP. The Administrator may waive the O&M document requirement if it is determined to be unnecessary for a particular LID BMP. The required O&M documents shall include the following items: Maintenance Covenant Maintenance Schedule Maintenance Requirements Record Keeping Inspection Forms


    Additional Resources

    Titusville Stormwater Management

    Titusville Low Impact Development

    Titusville Stormwater Utility

    St. Johns River Water Management District