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    State of Hawaii

    Hawaii stormwater laws & regulations

    The State of Hawaii operates under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program through state regulation Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) HAR 11-55. The stormwater management permitting and compliance program is administered by Clean Water Branch of the Hawaii Department of Health.

    In order to determine if your facility requires a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit, compare your Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code with the regulated SIC codes.

    Excerpt- Honolulu Storm Water BMP Guide for New and Redevelopment

    1.5.2. State Programs

    In Hawaii, Small MS4s, industrial facilities, and construction activities greater than or equal to one acre are normally covered by general permits. However if such facilities discharge storm water into sensitive water bodies designated as Class AA marine, or Class 1 inland State waters, or areas restricted in accordance with the State’s “No Discharge” policy, then those facilities must be covered by an individual permit. Also, Small MS4s and industrial facilities could be covered under an individual permit issued to a Large MS4.

    Regulatory emphasis is placed on pollution prevention by regulating “end of pipe” discharges in lieu of setting effluent limits. Prevention is accomplished through the development and implementation of plans such as the MS4 Storm Water Management Program Plan (SWMPP), Industrial Storm Water Pollution Control Plans (SWPCPs), and erosion control plans and Site-Specific BMP Plans (SSBMPs) for construction sites.

    Additional Documents:

    CWB Storm Water Forms

    Oahu Stormwater Management Program Plan

    State of Hawaii Stormwater Website